суббота, 29 сентября 2012 г.

Salmon (salmon)

For real fishing means fishing of salmon: salmon, sea trout, trout, grayling, etc.

With a sports point of view of the noble salmon fishing (salmon) called the most colorful and interesting. And for that, believe me, there are reasons. Today, salmon is under mortal threat because of its direct commercial fishing nets in the sea and in estuaries. Catches in the rivers has declined significantly. Many fishermen catching salmon released it back into the water to keep the population of this valuable fish.
Fishing for salmon on a fly

Salmon can be caught by trolling, worms and shrimp, but most hunters salmon is the most effective way - to catch this valuable fish on a fly. Moreover, in many rivers are allowed to catch only a fly.

There are two main ways of catching salmon on a fly. The first method is used at the beginning or end of the year when fishing in cold water - below 9 ° C. For this method, use a big fly, 5 cm or more, and sinking fishing line. Late spring or summer when the water warms up to 9 ° C, more efficient technology is catching on small flies. Fishing line should be floating.

Each method can be used the same gear. Standard gear for salmon includes a two-handed rod length of 4.5 m, which can carry a fishing line 9-11. This type of rod is powerful enough to cover the width of a large river, and works great with a throw over the head or SPACECOM cast. In the summer time, especially when you catch on a small river, you can use any rod length from 3.5 m to 4.5 m Their choice depends on the distance that is cast.

Need for such a rod reel line and 183 m extension in line with the tension breaking 13.5 kg. Modern rods are interchangeable spools, one - for a sinking line, the second - for floating. Still you need undergrowth nylon tension rupture 3,5-9 kg, depending on the height of water in the river and the season of catching. Flies should be from 7.5 cm to 8-10-gauge. Among inexperienced fishermen are of the opinion that the salmon should be caught on very large flies. Believe me, this is not so. He was well caught on the smallest trout fly. Very popular contemporary models of flies: Willie Gunn (Willie Gunn), Ellis Shrimp (Ally `s Srimp), Monroe Killer (Munro Killer), Stouts Tail (Stoat` s Tail) and Tedpoul (Tadpole). In general, salmon flies countless. There are old, colorful models with romantic names: Green Highlander (Green Highlander), March Lodge (Mar Lodge) and Lady Caroline (Lady Caroline).

Fishing for salmon on the fly - is an advanced version of technology down and out, catching a fly on the living. Fishing line thrown down the angle to it, so a fly wrapped passing through primanivaya pond and fish. Upon completion of the fisherman makes a throw 1-2 steps downstream and cast again. This method will allow you to cover the entire pond. You can leave a line in the free movement of the river. And you can pull on a short fly fishing line, then it will race across the stream, like a little fish. Bite can occur at any time. Although often it happens in the beginning, when the fly begins to turn in the water because of the current, or at the end, when a fly freely blowing.

In fly-fishing for salmon has its own specifics. The odds go up if there are conditions: air must be warm water, and the river should be cleansed after the flood.

There are three methods of catching salmon. The first of them - get the pond back as you just passed him, throwing the traditional way. By doing this, the fisherman begins to throw gear from the end of the reservoir, across the stream. Have to go 4-5 steps upstream and at the same time pull the line. In this fly is worn over the fish on a continuous curve. This way you can even catch a salmon from the shore.

The other two methods are used in the summer. The first - catching on hairy dry fly, whose name - Krysomordy McDougal (Rat-faces Macdougall). In order to encourage the salmon bite, the rod with the bait in the water pelted several hours. The method works best if the water temperature is over 15 ° C. The second way - to plant a fly. Fisherman makes it run on water half submerged. There are currently flies out of the tube, in which the tail is half submerged in water. There is another way of planting - is fishing with two flies. The rod should be with a lead, bounce from the surface. When fishing a dry fly strike at bites right away, but before pulling wait salmon utyanula not fly down. To do this, believe me, you need not only experience, but also patience.

Blesnenie - the best way of fishing on the rivers during floods. In the early season, when the river is full of melt water, suitable large spoons. This is Toby (Toby), yellow-bellied Devon Minnow (Devon Minnow) rezinohvostye or fatal (deadly rubber tailer) spinners. They are particularly effective at blesnenii from one place across the pond. We must throw trolling across the stream and wait a second or two before you turn the reel. This will leave a little baubles under. The length and weight of the casting spinners depend on the strength of the current. Toby spinner, for example, can be of different sizes and weights - up to '28 and Devon Minnow Rapala (Rapala) need to cast an additional burden in the form of spiral goods or goods brand Wye. To protect yourself from twisting line, you need to use at least one, and preferably two swivel.

Tackle for blesneniya Salmon includes rod length 3-3.3 m, capable of throwing up to 50 g and the instantaneous or multiplier reel with nylon fishing line length of 228 m and the tension rupture 6,5-9 kg.
Fishing with bait

Most often used for bait simple worm - lobworm or small earthworms. Depending on the power of the river is placed one or more worms. Except on the line baited hooks should lead balloon through hole. Use it to bait reached the bottom. The most effective way to catch the worm - throw it up the river, giving him gently push on the bottom a little slower flow. It should be noted that this method requires certain skills.

Tackle for fishing worm consists of a powerful rod length of 3.5 m coil should be inertialess with nylon fishing line 228 m in length and tension rupture 4,5-6,8 kg. Single hook in size from 4 to 8, it is necessary to tie the end of the line, along with a great sinker (cut to half and clamped on the line). The worm can be as a whole and sliced. Duration of using one bait depends on the strength of the water flow.

Another effective bait for catching salmon - it shrimp or crayfish. Shrimp can be very different in color both living and dead. Most popular - red and purple. Before mounting shrimp compressed pierced in the middle and is mounted on the treble hook. Fisherman should pull it to make it look like a thread. Way of fishing for shrimp is the same as in the worm, but it is using a fishing line

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