вторник, 6 ноября 2012 г.

Walleye fishing in autumn

Fishing for walleye fall from the end of August, beginning of September, it is already possible to begin the night to catch on jig. Few people know that it was during the fall walleye fishing, it takes good jig, but at the same perch gradually come to the wintering grounds and shifted to greater depths, so September - this time for jig-marketing lures. As the cold weather, from the month of October, comes back Jordan perch, which is the longest of the year and lasts for the whole of October to mid-November, but usually when fishing for
walleye in the autumn, in October - the best month of the year for catching big pike . Of course, such a bite in pre-spawning period, you will not see, but if correctly identify the location of walleye, the words it is not difficult. In October, you can catch perch as bait jig-marketing and all sorts paralonovye, polyurethane fish and heavy spoons. In November walleye bite has died down, but it should be noted that this month you can catch the largest walleye specimens, especially the week before freeze-up. Perch seems to feel this moment, and this week you can extract a decent walleye. Many fishermen to catch in October to see that biting stops and cast rod until spring, but in November just can count on catching trophy pike.
In late summer, autumn comes the secondary stroke perch when he swims in the sea from the mouth of the river and the more decreases the level of water in the rivers, the more enhanced stroke sander in this area. At this time, the fall walleye fishing is much dobychlivey spring, but the bite may stop temporarily when a strong wind or rain. In general, in the sea, at a depth of 8 m, biting depends on the wind speed: if it north - then the fish does not take the bait, but if the South - Cool surpasses both spring and fall, and winter.
Autumn pike kept downstream and, in contrast to the red fish, does not go into the pits for the winter, and vice versa - is collected in dense flocks to a depth of 2 m and is awaiting the right time to move into the river. In warm winter perch constantly moving upstream, if the winter was harsh, it only takes a perch during the thaw. The autumn course walleye falls on the beginning or middle of March, at the end of March and beginning of April, is a belated perch, along with bream. Almost all winter walleye holds at depth, in the pits, with the exception of walleye, which inhabits the lower reaches of the rivers.
Sometimes, they shared their well with bream, winter together. Still, the most profitable is catching walleye during its spring travel. Once in the network, walleye never rushes and does not try to escape from there, on the contrary, either sitting quietly behind the seine, or clinging tightly teeth for the network. If you throw it to the bank, he will lie quietly on the sand, not trying to get to the water. Walleye different kind of love; him to sleep enough to take it by the tail and slightly shaken. If the perch in place so the title of the lake-bottom silt with warren, then his eyes quickly tightened some film and fish "blind"; body perch also takes a dark shade. In connection with this relocation perch quite a difficult task and requires some knowledge on the physiology of fish.
Unlike bream, perch meat almost bony and delicious, so it makes a great value.

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