понедельник, 11 марта 2013 г.

of bream in the spring.

Before spawning bream will not go into the aquatic vegetation and remains at the edge, where he finds worms and larvae. His search should be started with the shallow bays.

Another place to feed bream are shelly shoals. Spring, he may be there to feed most of the day. The most promising of its spring fishing on the flats, which are removed from the coast. During quiet windless weather fish goes into small places located near the pits or channels. Especially good is biting when a surf wave.
In the fishery to put everything so that nothing prevented during bait, fishing and vyvazhivanii bream. An important condition is complete silence, you can not shake the land from the water. It is shock and vibration from the steps on the ground scare the fish. Attention should be paid, and the bottom relief. Even the slightest difference in the depth of driftwood or rock can cause fishing success. Large bream caught in the deep brow to a long fly-rod or plug.
To attract the attention of fish bait needed. Many say that, regardless of its availability, bream fishing in the spring, is reduced to a certain point, where it takes the bait. The exceptions are the times when the pack zhiruyuschego bream are very active chasing bait, although often takes bream nozzle, still lying on the bait used dne.Dlya several compositions. Guess what will be the most in demand bream in a particular body of water, is rarely possible. The most simple of the ground bait and bloodworms. In the spring of bloodworms for bait bream takes a lot less than in summer. If there is a strong bottom or surface current, the better to link the standard crank baits of crackers, bran, dried milk. In the absence of bloodworms or its active Jora bleak and roach, you can add some chopped worm. The good result of bream fishing in the spring, using as bait with a mixture of steamed barley flakes "Hercules".
Bream was hooked close to shore, resisting very active, so the fishing line, use 0.12 mm thick. Since the hooks are very likely, the lead is a thin line length of about 20 cm taller shepherd boy attached leash connection and line, and sinker even higher, at 10 cm from the shepherd. This simple design is effective when catching bream in the spring occurs in places with little depth and a higher chance of snags. If you use for bait worm or maggots, the shepherd boy is not needed. In sea water, the bait lying flat, it should be anchored. Therefore shepherd boy moves to a hook at a distance of 5-7 cm float better choose extended, low center of gravity, it is less subject to fluctuations of the surface current.

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