пятница, 24 августа 2012 г.

Right now where the cancer is the catch?

That we are all about the fish, but the fish? There are then other amenities that give us fishing! I think that with friends, summer night, when there is no daylight sweltering heat no one will refuse to drink beer with cancers and talk about previously captured booty. The beer is clear, will have to buy, it is unlikely anyone will be able to cook, but to buy crabs do not have to, and besides, they are quite expensive to sell, especially in the already ready to use. Let's deal, which still lives cancer, as well as what to eat, how to trap, or just to catch with his hands.

вторник, 21 августа 2012 г.

History of the fishing

This funny story about fishing. Told me her friend. Once a reservation, that he knows how to fish, and knows about fishing almost everything and loves STE case in all its manifestations. And this case is only a fragment, and, for he was not characteristic.

Belarusian fishermen caught 1.5 meter soma

On the Dnepr-bug canal near the village of Zarechka (Brest region) the fishermen caught soma length 1,67 m and a weight of 34 kg. News and photos of the giant fish in the editorial office sent Vitaly.
Happy fishermen are the inhabitants of Drogichin Julian Zuschik and Vladimir Siliverstov.
We had a conversation with Julian, who told us the details of the catch.

A new fishing record of England on catching a catfish

The chef and an avid fisherman from Essex set a new fishing record of England on catching a catfish.

среда, 15 августа 2012 г.

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