пятница, 24 августа 2012 г.

Right now where the cancer is the catch?

That we are all about the fish, but the fish? There are then other amenities that give us fishing! I think that with friends, summer night, when there is no daylight sweltering heat no one will refuse to drink beer with cancers and talk about previously captured booty. The beer is clear, will have to buy, it is unlikely anyone will be able to cook, but to buy crabs do not have to, and besides, they are quite expensive to sell, especially in the already ready to use. Let's deal, which still lives cancer, as well as what to eat, how to trap, or just to catch with his hands.

Let's start with, so to speak, biographies. In Russia the common or ordinary Astacus decapod crayfish. Its claws as it is considered the first pair of legs. This pair is the most developed. These claws are known cancer missing its prey, or, if necessary, protected. Do crayfish sex can be distinguished by the following characteristics: female peculiar wider tail, while the males are larger and long claws.

Cancers most demanding creatures to water quality. Accordingly, where the cancer is found - the water is very clean, but not in terms of transparency, in terms of its ecological status. If the water to start swapping, for example, waste companies, the cancer will disappear very quickly. It is also worth noting that the cancer does not live there, where the bottom is silted up, as well as in water with a flat bottom and gently sloping beaches. Cancer prefers a bottom, where you can find shelter or dig it. Most often burrows cancers detected underwater cliffs.

Cancer in their way of life can be attributed to the hermits. Cancer is not usual flocks, hiding all day, including from neighbors, in holes apart forward claws. If cancer disturbed in a hole, it will begin to recede back to depth. Foraging cancer comes only at dusk, except for cloudy days, when he was out in the afternoon.

Regarding the growth of cancer want to mention one thing: cancer, less than ten centimeters long fish is not allowed. And grow to this size it six - seven years.

Now on to the food preferences of cancer. Cancer is almost everything. Cancer eats and aquatic vegetation and dead fish, catches of live fry, even eating their relatives during molting, when they shed their shell and become vulnerable. Also note that the cancer does not kill its prey, does not poison with poison or even what it means and just keeps her claws and eats alive. Just have seen cases that cancer was eating fish eggs during spawning.

Now let's talk about who is afraid of cancer, it will be about his enemies. Cancer feeds on eel, pike, perch. Although cancer and is protected by armor, but is eaten these predators. Just eat them, these fish during molting, attacking defenseless cancers. Just catching crayfish and mink.

Now talk directly about how catching cancer. Let's start with the basics, from catching hands. The essence of this method is very simple. A man walks into the water and is close to the coast, groping hands along the bottom in search of cavities - holes. If the hand encounters a cancer, the person it sharply enough. This method is not suitable for those hunters who have claws cause cancer with sex. Open secret, personally, I'm afraid crustacean claws, as a child of the sea in my finger ... now clutched crab phobia.

Fishing on cancer say this, it is radically different from the angling fish, because the cancer can always get away by himself. Cancer can grab maggots, just sliced ​​fish and still say that it is caught on garlic bread, this way I personally have not tested it, if you have had experience, unsubscribe.

I'll tell you where to catch the cancer. The mobility of cancer is determined primarily light transmission of water. If the water is dark, then you can catch the cancer as early as three - four hours of the day. Catch cancer will be less in the storm, as well as on a moonlit night.

Talk about transportation. For the transport of cancer will most suitable dishes, with vertical and at the same time low sides. At the bottom of the dish to pour water is not necessary.

During long-term storage of crayfish to feed, so they can eat the weaker animals. For feeding, a regular fresh fish.

Well, to catch crabs on arrival home they need to cook! For boiling crawfish, I use the following trick. Not in the same water to cook naked. To prepare the crabs in a bowl, pour the cart. In the water you need to add parsley and dill, as well as put a few bay leaves. Abundantly salted water, add a little allspice. All these boil. As water began to boil, drop the back of cancers. Seven minutes boil over low heat for our shrine to beer ready! Pleasant chit-chatting with your friends!

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