вторник, 21 августа 2012 г.

History of the fishing

This funny story about fishing. Told me her friend. Once a reservation, that he knows how to fish, and knows about fishing almost everything and loves STE case in all its manifestations. And this case is only a fragment, and, for he was not characteristic.

One day in the summer decided with a friend to go fishing for the weekend. To not lose an hour of pleasure favorite thing left on Friday evening after work. Arrived at the place, unloaded, a tent was set up, equip place in a cosy Bay of lake among the thickets of " it's getting a little late for the evening rise, and for friendly conversation at the fire under the vodka - at the time. The fire, weather whispers, vodka and snacks enough and conversation lasted a very long time. And at sunset the morning nibble - Holy. As not it would be difficult to Wake up, it happens almost on a machine in the hunting passion.

But in the morning the bite was any. It was already hot, the sun, the morning mist scattered (although, it was not until the end of the clear, fog objective factor or subjective, as his head was buzzing after the evening conversation, and focussing on the float was even hurt the brain), the Bank was pioneered colleagues by passion, and the fish was not.

As suddenly within sight beneath the surface of the water seemed to fairly large fish (rock don't remember), which then sailed normal, then lay down on his side, and for some time was floating as poludohlaya, then again came to life and moved vertically. Buddy up with another held her gaze, even complained that a good one, and has health problems and this is, probably, not. Although the catch just - подсакой spent and she's yours. Fish was almost out of sight, when they suddenly dawned is better than none. They jump in a rubber boat, grabbed подсаку and arise from its coves in pursuit.

Buddy with подсакой on the nose, a friend of his at the oars. But, when there are only wave his подсакой, it suddenly came to life and disappeared in the depth. A few minutes inspection have not brought result and, disappointed, friends launched the boat and rowed back. As suddenly, in the side, closer to the shore there was a splash, water surface разомкнулась and out of the water for a moment seemed to black sleek back of the underwater monster. Less than catfish per kilogram of twenty-it could not be.

In the boat easy panic on the subject, that there is no suitable gear for such production. Подсакой it can only scratch. But life experience, composure, which multiplied by the excitement of the prompted the right decision. A friend of armed with one oar, puts it above his head and takes a disposition on the nose of the boat. A friend of his rowing other oar, trying to move quickly, but silently. And such is the sculptural group of slides to the point X.

When to the place had a few meters, water streamed and eyes hunters appeared " Yes, a diver in a black wetsuit. He stepped back from the astonished friends and I tried to say something, twirling a finger at a temple. The absurdity of the situation did not allow them to say something like «sorry, I made a mistake». Destinations deafening thunderous laughter fishermen who were lucky enough to watch the spectacle. People from laughing almost fell into the lake. Confused and stunned unlucky hunters at a rapid pace buried to the Parking lot, and the diver did not rest until they landed on the beach.

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