вторник, 22 января 2013 г.

For bream in the heat

In June bream divided into white bream and bream, which begin to separate food. Small bream, white bream or after spawning eats everything he can lay his nose and big bream selects the most calorie korm.Chtoby purposefully hunting for bream, we must try to understand that now is the basis of his livelihood.
In the waters of different types, with different forage, diet bream are very different. For example, in small,

воскресенье, 20 января 2013 г.

Tons float

For three seasons float apply the hair snap nazhivlyaya not boilies and habitual poplavochnika grain barley, wheat, corn, and peas. Not to say that my float completely "zavoposel" during normal biting cling bait traditionally - piercing the hook, but with weak bite, with a large number of empty, turn on the hair - the fish takes a much bolder and much smaller gatherings. The principle of "carp" hair in a float, there is the heavy loads that are themselves hooking fish. To float snap one of two things: either to react instantly hooking, all

суббота, 12 января 2013 г.

Snowmobiles for winter fishing

For a long time did not write anything about snowmobiles used for ice fishing trips. Not written for two reasons:
 First, because he was, as they say, "not on" - do not ever use the snowmobile itself, so not very much and

четверг, 10 января 2013 г.

Autumn fishing

Early fall, fishing the most comfortable weather, except for one: many reservoirs, including the Yauzskaya where I usually fish, still holding the thermocline, which dictates the conditions lovers catch a predator. Most spinningists, putting your favorite gear, catches for trolling or mugs. Jig fishing is left up to the moment when the water is cool, and autumn winds jumbled layers - and the thermocline will be over. However, in the morning and evening twilight in some places you can find optimists hard rinse jig baits.

воскресенье, 6 января 2013 г.

Bream on the Upper Volga

You can live a life close to the Volga, but did not understand, do not feel that our main river. On the other hand, sometimes only a day spend on the beach - from dawn to dawn - and the river will be mother tongue. The share is leschatnikov fall, I suspect, more than others.

вторник, 1 января 2013 г.

Prerequisites skill angler

Often among the fishermen hear important to know where to fish. However, finding a parking place and period of apprenticeship fish - not all. We must be able to fish, know catching technique, and what tackle is better to use. This article is more suitable for beginners, but it is for those who are just starting their way fishing could navigate the multifaceted world of fishing.