суббота, 12 января 2013 г.

Snowmobiles for winter fishing

For a long time did not write anything about snowmobiles used for ice fishing trips. Not written for two reasons:
 First, because he was, as they say, "not on" - do not ever use the snowmobile itself, so not very much and
wanted something to know more about them. And how to write, if he do not know?
     Secondly, I believe that the issue of acquisition of the snowmobile for fishing is not very relevant for most anglers ice fishing, and who chases them on snow-covered waters - those who have nowhere to put the extra money.
    However, during last year's winter season, I had the opportunity to meet at the lake a few owners of these high-speed vehicles, which included not just "drivers", but the real fishermen. After talking with them and watch how they go fishing, I changed my attitude to snowmobiles and tried to analyze their advantages E deficiencies. This had delved into quite a number of different sources.

  As a result, I made for myself the following conclusion: snowmobile - a thing, of course, is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it, but if the financial capacity of a fishing permit, you should buy it. Having bought another car and a special trailer to transport it to the fishing spot, you can greatly expand their ability to visit the various bodies of water, including a very large reservoirs. Snowmobile owner will not have to settle for catching only in the coastal zone, as pedestrian angler or even the owner motobuksirovschika and other slow-moving vehicles such Karakata. I myself have been repeatedly witnessed "snegohodchiki" keep up with day to ride almost the whole, a very high Kubenskaya lake in search of fish. With colleagues, fishing at the other end of the lake on the mobile phone, and learning that there began biting, they quickly stow gear and a couple of minutes was out of sight over the horizon.

    Winter day is short and to the fishing industry without such rapid transit is always a dilemma - whether to continue fishing in the same place, although the bite and no matter what I try to change the place and move a few miles away, where there is hope for the best bite. And often, for fear of losing all the time and stay without a catch to have to accept the fact that there is a catch and keep in place.
    Snowmobile speed under 80 km / h allows easy to slip a long distance to see a few promising places to find a lucky hole. Not once convinced by the example of high-speed snowmobile owners knew that such a tactic is justified.

    In addition, the modern snowmobile riding is much more comfortable than the old "Buran" and dressed in warm overalls angler fears neither cold nor wind.
 Have snowmobiles and disadvantages compared with the transport as Karakata. On the first and on the last ice sled can not be used. His weight is quite large, but the footprint is not so great, so on thin ice to use it risky. Here Karakata to pneumatics out of competition, just as the last ice when it formed chimes and a snowmobile on the ice just to get into.
  Snowmobile - transport only for as long as the ice is very durable. It is now, in a warming world, even in our northern latitudes very short time - three months at the most. At other times it has to be stored somewhere after all, and the place it occupies decently. Karakata already mentioned can be used much longer, if not year-round. It is used even for trips to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, as well as spring and fall hunting, especially if it is floating.
 So you need to think very carefully before you decide to buy a snowmobile. On different models of snowmobiles, their technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages discussed in the following articles.

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