вторник, 22 января 2013 г.

For bream in the heat

In June bream divided into white bream and bream, which begin to separate food. Small bream, white bream or after spawning eats everything he can lay his nose and big bream selects the most calorie korm.Chtoby purposefully hunting for bream, we must try to understand that now is the basis of his livelihood.
In the waters of different types, with different forage, diet bream are very different. For example, in small,
heavily overgrown lake based food bream are worms and snails. In the reservoir without a developed coastal vegetation bream feeding zebra mussel, shoots Urrutia and bloodworm. The small river absorbs Caddis, bloodworms and "leeches", which is also worms.
Therefore, catching bream in hot season varied, interesting and exciting, but it is difficult and "intelligent." That is meaningful requires training and strict following the chosen tactic of catching. Fishing is very diverse, that depends entirely on the conditions of fishing. The most interesting is catching bream in the lakes.
Fishermen often not even aware of the presence of bream in the familiar lake. Unlike river bream or "from reservoirs," lake does not "melt", not "smacking" in the grass, peep it "float" in the spawning period is not possible. Bream in the lake is very cautious, but at a certain perseverance and, above all, commitment, it can be found and successfully catch. At the evening dawn, usually at the edge of cane, if caught white bream. If that happens, it should look and bream.
Promising areas for fishing in the lake can be divided into several sections.
Portion of the coastal zone, in which the bottom of the shore gently lowered. If the bottom is not clay, almost all of it is overgrown. Such places are not only liked tench, crucian carp, and big bream.
Another characteristic of any part of the lake is the deepest place. Well can be as at the coast, which is rare, or somewhere near the geometric channel. The upper brow pit is the most promising place to look for bream in the afternoon. The matter is complicated only by the fact that fish is technically difficult. Complexity is determined not only by the fact that you need a very good knowledge of ways of catching a "match", "Bolognese" and "picker", be able to accurately point to lure fishing and know exactly time-bream to feed, but also the right to use bait.
Between coastal "plant" and a pit area is "watering". It is likely to find bream in any certain hours of the day, but only if we can find a place period of apprenticeship. Such places are almost always the areas 'rich' Motyl, zebra mussel or caddis.
On watering catch effectively match and feeder.
Thus, it appears that catch large bream in the lake, you can technically sophisticated gear.
But it is not as sophisticated ways of fishing, as it seems to most anglers!
In lakes with warm water and bream which face stronger pressure from fishermen, it makes sense to catch the night. However, for fishing at night are ideal reservoir.
Shore artificial reservoirs are not often covered with thickets of plants, and therefore the most promising are the shallows, which are at a distance of 30-70 meters from the shore. Enough, if the depth of the shallow to about one meter.
Good places are the edge of channel suitable close to shore. So close that you can catch a long rod or flywheel plug. The depth of the catch may be only 2-3 m, but most bream prefer a depth of about 4 meters, while on dawn feeds on itself aground.
In any case, in order to bind the fish to a fishery, you need a decent amount of quality bait.
Number of bait can reach five pounds, while two kilograms is usually sufficient.
In the bait be sure to add the components of animal origin.
Very good to add a small, or even better a large moth of the calculation of 100 g per kg of dry crank bait, but more importantly, the addition of bait maggots. Before, I did not really believe in the effectiveness of maggots in "leschovoy" bait. But maggots in "leschovoy" bait-one and always greatly increase the effectiveness of its actions. The total volume of maggots to 5.10 kg of bait can be a pint or less.
You can fish with a traditional fly-rod or use the plug with a short snap. Both options have their fishing pros and cons.
Fishing with a traditional centrifugal gear has a definite advantage in the fact that everything is clear and simple. Work flywheel rod familiar. This dignity. The disadvantages include the fact that the fly-rod can not exactly deliver the bait to the point of catching. This is impossible, because at night there are no exact guidelines, which you can find a point of fishing in the cast tooling. Surface currents can quickly take down snap. Have to go to the increase in mass rigging, to shepherd boy lay on the bottom, that is, anchor rigging. Use of plug rods can get rid of all the technical problems. The biggest technical problem in fishing during night fishing occur in the construction of rigs with a float, which replaced the traditional dish "lightning bug." I think that this problem is easily solved. And it was. I personally take any float with a capacity of 1.5-3.5 g with large antenna, extracted from the body float, and in its place is inserted into the body of the float, "Firefly."
If you catch one and the same body of water, it makes sense bream bait, that is, to teach him to attend a convenient place for fishing. It is important to make the catch was comfortable, and so that the time of feeding in an artificial "food" point does not coincide with the time of natural feeding bream on their underwater lands.
Let me explain what it is. For example, bream at eight out of reed and the food here until eleven o'clock at night. Then he goes down on watering and worth. Hours from eleven to four in the morning bream or defend, or to feed bottom feed, feeding bloodworms and tubifex in anticipation of an early dawn. And only after that bream or "hang" in half-waters, or rise to the surface, or the stately moves over the pond. If the fish were planted in the late evening finds bait, then over time it can be trained to the duty. Privazhivanie do at any time of the day, but better late at night. The fact that the small fish at night sleeps and eats not the most attractive and affordable feed components bait. In the morning, a big fish, maybe not the first to come to the food, but, at least, will have time to drive away from him a trifle.
It is that a good place to pick up fishing from the bank fails. A classic example is the well-known Lake Senezh. On this lake the most promising places for catching big bream are much more than a hundred meters from the shore, so we have to use a boat. The main difficulty is the correct formulation of the boat. The best situation is when the boat rolled sideways to the point of catching. Ideal here, if the wind will blow in the back, then the problems with retention snap at fishing will not be. Need to install a boat with two anchors "in the banner," the length of the rope is not less than half the depth under the boat. Plain Nylon "clothesline" twisted rope suitable least. She strongly pulled and the boat will continue to talk and drive from side to side. Suitable woven "pigtail" cord, and is better to take a parachute sling.
Distance fishing is usually chosen in the range of 20-25 m, which is sufficient to mask the boat. This distance is very convenient because it allows you to conduct supplemental foods during the catch, even without a slingshot. Supplemental foods may take an hour or two before catching.
The most interesting bream from shore in the surf zone. If there is a strong surf wave, the bream will almost certainly come to the shore. The best place to catch a shallow clay are located at the coast. It is believed that the fish feed on inshore boundary haze. Nothing like that. How many times have I caught bream of the day from a distance of about ten meters from the shore, and the boundary haze located not less than twenty yards from the shore.
Bait, and this, or a worm, or bread, have to lie on the bottom. The bait is usually not required. If within half an hour strikes there, you should change the point of catching. When choosing a location, I prefer zakoryazhennym places. It should be noted that the bream in the surf on the rocks is relevant throughout the summer and ends around mid-August.

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