вторник, 14 мая 2013 г.


It is safe to assume that the name "line" is given this fish because of the characteristic features of its own to change the color being taken out of the water: tench caught immediately covered with large black spots.
This comes from the fact that it is all covered with a thick layer of extremely thick and clear mucus, which hardens in the air, darkens, and then falls off in pieces, leaving these places large yellow spots.

His line is somewhat reminiscent of a measured ide, but from all the carp is easily distinguished by its thick clumsy body, very thick tail trunk, very small scales and very small, bright red eyes. In addition, the line has an unpaired number of pharyngeal teeth arranged in a single row and the inside of the elongated into a small hook: his mouth is very small, fleshy, it even seems as if swollen, and the corners of his sitting on one, very small mustache.

Color tench is highly dependent on the water in which they live. In general, back in his dark-green, sides olive-green with gold glitter, belly grayish, in rivers and lakes clean it is always much more yellow than in the shady pond overgrown with water plants, which are sometimes almost entirely black line.

Lin has a much smaller distribution and throughout the small number of carp. In the north, it does not, and he almost does not occur in the basin of the White Sea and the Arctic. The main location of this fish - standing water medium, southern Russia and Ukraine, and south-western Siberia. In the waters of the Caucasus it is a great rarity.

Lin loves the water quiet, grassy, ??fast and cold because it avoids and lasts for more than a river bays, ilmenite, channels, lakes and ponds, overgrown with reeds and rushes. However, he is not afraid of some brackish water, and was rather ordinary in the lower reaches of the Volga, the Don and the Dnieper, even at the very seaside. In small ponds of stagnant lines are pretty rare, because after all during the spawning season they need fairly clean, though, and warm water; their favorite residence are quiet backwaters of rivers, flow, silty and kamyshistye lakes and ponds are the same.

In general, it is very sluggish and lazy fish. Lin is very slow in their movements, lives mostly in the same place of the river or pond and is showing in other places only a hollow node. With the fast water, it can not handle, and during the spring or autumn flood rivers, ponds break often drifts over a long distance.

In these bays rivers, creeks, polo or at the top of the pond, thickly overgrown with reeds, reeds and especially goroshnitsey (Potamogeton), tench kept most of the day digging, like carps, in the viscous mud and pulling out worms - their main food, however, it also feeds on itself with slime and various aquatic plants.

Only in the evenings, at night and in the morning line goes for a walk on the pond cleaner places, but even then very rarely comes to the surface, does he wants to grab a large fallen into the water midges (Phrygenea), as the resident fish, tench rarely found in one place in a large amount, except during the spawn, and even then not always, and the winter time, it is used. h is quite a solitary life and swims alone. In October, at least in the beginning of November, the lines are going in a more or less large flocks of wintering and lie in the deepest areas of the lake or bay. Sometimes they are completely buried in the mud and mined there for a long time does not serve any sign of life.
Hence, they come very early - in March or April, and as soon as the chimes are suitable for them and, exhausted by long fasting, greedy start to bite.
n the middle or at the end of May (depending on location) line stops to peck and hiding in the mud, from which comes out in two or three days before the start of the game to kamyshistym the shores of a lake or a river most grassy areas of bays and channels. In particular, he loves goroshnitsu (Potamogeton), which is sometimes so called fishermen Linev grass, you can meet him and all the rest of the warm season.

Where lines are scarce, there goes their spawning completely unnoticed, especially because they are never going to such dense flocks, such as ruff, roach, ide and most carp fish. According to my observations, spawning a family of linear character and it is close to spawning pike: sometimes only two, three males pursuing a female.
Recent generally smaller in numbers and have plenty tall, dark color, larger scales and strongly developed pelvic fins, in which the second beam considerably thickened and enlarged. During the spawning season, these fins are strongly swell and become more prominent and accepted as a spoon-shaped.
During spawning, even where the lines are very numerous, they are not going to thick runes. It depends on the reasons that spawn them goes a very long time, sometimes two to three weeks. Usually small rub before large - later why one at a time to meet and young moulting and fresh greenish eggs of the fish.
The number of eggs in a linear rather significant: 1.5 kg. ikryanike there are nearly 300,000 eggs.
Caviar lin developed remarkably quickly, rather than of any other fish - sometimes in three days, but always less than a week.
For the development of eggs, a temperature at 22-24 ° C. Therefore, the linear spring spawning incredible, as for the development of their eggs requires more heat than the carp. Even in the south spawning tench never starts before the beginning of May, and occurs at the end of this month, even in June.

Young moulting different Od other fry your gold, at the end of the process of absorption of the yolk bubble disperse and go b. h alone or in small groups in the thick aquatic plants, closer to the bottom, they rarely come across and almost never go out to clean the place and in the reeds, like the young Qarase. Therefore, they are less exposed to attacks other fish, predatory fish, especially as pike and perch, do not like the fish and rarely take on it, so that it does not constitute an excellent bait, as might be supposed by its vitality. The main enemies of these fish are not linear, and hake, which, moreover, as well as the line, keep constantly on the bottom, in the mud, but certainly in the running water, and come out to feed at night and into the next bays populated by molts.
Young molting grow quite rapidly, much more carp, ide Even, fodder-and in some lakes and ponds in two or three years, reaching 500g. weight. Usually they are made capable of reproduction on the 3rd or even 4th year. A line in the fodder-ponds in the year reach 200g. weight in two - a pound and a 3-year to kilograms and more.

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