пятница, 14 июня 2013 г.

Tactics and technique of catching chub

If you decide to seriously approach the Zherekhov fishing, you have to accept the fact that to achieve the result, you have to forget about catching predators other than asp. That is, in the process of fishing, you need to focus specifically on the asp and not be distracted by trying to catch pike, perch or walleye. In fishing for chub, it often happens that at idle "Rinse" lure away an hour and when the fishing was quite desperate, there
is a powerful punch and begins close contest. By the way, most of their trophy asp I took it at such moments, when the fish for a long time, no way to manifest itself. If, at times passive behavior asp, switch to fish, such as walleye or pike, it is highly likely to miss the moment of the asp. In short, if you have set their sights on catching chub, then you need to show patience and perseverance, and then you'll be rewarded with a great trophy.
Thus, we go directly to the tactics catch asp.

Catching "the splash"

This is the most common tactic of search and catch asp. Standing on the banks of the river during the morning dawn or at dusk, you listen hard and watch the river. Then we heard the powerful, or not, the impact on the water, you turn around to the other side, you see ripples, casting, preroll .. Punch-Out! And so, in the landing net beats silver trophy.

Very often, stroke, per se, does not occur. This may be a faint splash, surf on the water or just jumped out of the water bleak. In most cases, all these are signs of the presence of a predator, and, quite often, it is asp. Hit or spike can occur both on line and in the coastal zone, in any case, the hunter must asp immediately respond to any stirring of the water. Ten times better throw trolling in places where just frolicking bleak or small carp than once not to throw in a place where, in fact, twisted, in pursuit of prey, captured asp.

When hunting for a bleak, chub slams into her flock at a high speed, and makes one or several powerful blows tail, stun their prey. This is what spinningists called the "fight" asp. Fight asp very fleeting and often happens that abandoned the splash spoon still not reached the target point, and spinningists sees asp clasped tight turn rushes up the river, taking with it the hope spinningists strikes. Therefore, the angler who has chosen to catch chub fishing tactics "to splash" in the first place must have patience. While waiting to be proactive asp, you all should be ready to spring: bow fishing line laying mechanism is open, hanging bait in the normal range, in the back there is nothing stopping the backswing.

In addition, the very important position spinningists ideal way - in anticipation burst crouch down in the water trolling. If you recall, a strong dislike asp to human society, then you will understand that these actions are not without meaning. Figure spinningists like sheen rippling in the wind spinners, may scare off chub fishing zone. An example of this can serve as a pattern often observed by me. Group spinningists constantly moving along the shore, followed by bursts of Zherekhov and chub, in turn, is constantly trying to move away from intrusive, noisy spinningists. So run, anglers for asp, asp by anglers for bleak. I myself have often found himself in a situation where asp somehow noticed my presence and moved to the place from which sailed half an hour ago, again, to frighten me.

After the asp has proved, you should immediately make a throw to a point just beyond the point where it comes from, if necessary, to quickly exhaust the arc and start wiring. If not chub left point "battle" for the time until you made a throw, then you have every reason to hope for a bite. In the polarized glasses, you can clearly follow the lure and all that is happening around her. Here, Kastmaster is in surface water at cruising speed, that's beside twisted silver "torpedo" and .. Punch-Out! Or no impact .. If the strike were not received, then you must wait for the next outburst or change tactics to catch a "blind".

Catching the "blind"

Contrary to the belief of many spinningists, namely the use of this tactic brings the greatest rewards. Of course, the catch "to splash" - a much more entertaining and pleasing from an aesthetic point of view, but it is monotonous punching all horizons of water, brings the greatest catches.

Fishing Tactics "to splash" is best suited for still unexplored areas of the reservoir. If you have studied well enough water, and you know where you'll find most asp, it will be more dobychliva tactics catching "blindly". In fact the essence of this tactic lies in a painstaking oblavlivanii the upper and middle layers of the water in all directions, in all future locations.

It often happens that after casting lures "to splash" in the eighty meters from the shore, asp completely ignores her, or accompany a while, but the bite and should not be, and a fifteen meters from the shore, bait missing another chub, patrolling coastal waters absolutely no posing. So, when fishing for chub, you should always be on the alert.

Catching a "blind", with no signs of chub, do not linger too much in one place. Harvesting one promising place, and not seeing the bite or Zherekhov battle, you need to move to another perspective from your point of view, place. Harvesting the second place, you can move to the next or return to the previous one, maybe there asp active.

Tech catch asp
Posting spinners

The first thing you need to know about wiring at catching asp, this is what it should be fast. How much faster? It is difficult to convey the printed text, just fast. I think that by experience, you will find the optimum speed wiring for each of their spinners. In the selection of speed wiring must remember the following - Baubles should actively and easy to play, and it should not go on plane. When posting in the surface layer of water, baubles should not "jump" out of the water and go for a uniform depth.

Having defined the optimal speed wiring, while fishing, you have to consider some features of the behavior of asp. When the asp is very active, happy "boilers", jamming bleak everywhere, he is more offended at a faster wiring. Conversely, if the asp low activity, the wiring should be done slower, relative to normal. In addition, it is noted that a large chub prefer more slowly and steadily than asp smaller, ceteris paribus.

In the hours of activity asp horizon wiring must be in near-surface layers of water. In the daytime, when the activity of asps is greatly reduced wiring is necessary to displace the horizon in the middle layers of water. Evenly spoon lead in the middle layers at the same depth and at great speed - very difficult, if not impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a kind of step-wiring. After casting spoon-bait to sink to the bottom, then do 5-10 speed reel, baubles at this point will start actively playing rise to the surface. Not reach the surface again to give it a go down, just below the middle class, again preroll, dipping, etc. Best of all, with this wiring, show yourself Kastmastery having attractive passive game. This type of wiring can often find fish when no surface wiring does not work.

The bite

Asp bite different variety. It can be easy potyazhka, and a powerful punch and a sharp jerk. One of the most enjoyable for spinningists bites asp, is soft potyazhka. In this case, asp well timed and lose all chances to get off the hook. The most strange bite - a powerful potyazhka. You drive trolling, feel the impact, potyazhka, clutch line, and pits .. Gathering!

Usually, chub bait attacks in the horizontal plane, or catching bait behind, in this case, soft potyazhka, or overtaking it from the side and then bite feels like a mild shock with mild potyazhkoy. This is the most favorable situation for successful cuttings. Worse, if the chub bait attacks against the direction of the wiring. Then, followed by a sharp blow, potyazhka powerful and often gathering.

Pretty exciting to watch asp bite at close range, in this case, you can clearly see all the nuances of what is happening. Baubles coming to shore brow, asp, plying along the edge, says trolling, and deciding to attack, accelerated sharply and hits the side of spoon. Blow potyazhka away from the shore, vyvazhivanie ..


Many authors fishing articles, I met believed that the asp - the fish is not providing much resistance when playing. I beg to differ with this opinion. I believe sherespera good fighter. In this regard, asp quite unlike any bream, which once is enough "gulp" air to obediently follow in the cage or on the perch, which makes resisting a couple of vague ryvochkov and calming.
Asp - the fish active, playful and strong. The first reaction asp to trip, will leap toward the middle of the bed or body of water, to the open water. Asp fight is only in the upper and middle layers of the water, do not attempt to go into snags or overgrown with vegetation. Even if asp grabbed the bait near the underwater thickets, he will try to hide in these thickets, as would have made the pike, and will certainly go to the open water.

Asp provides resistance during the entire fight with the fish from biting to the institution in the landing net. Exception - postspawning period and the autumn and winter, then there are those times when the asp in general poorly active or completely inactive.


In this series, I told almost everything I know about myself and the intricacies of his chub fishing. No doubt there are anglers who cast doubt on some of my statements, and some altogether categorically disagree. But fishing, and in particular, catching asp - something completely unpredictable, and drive the theory of fisheries into the rigid framework of any of the rules - a thankless task. Therefore, the articles, the reader should not be used as a guide, as well as assistance in finding their own ways to achieve success in catching asp. Look, try, experiment!

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