суббота, 8 июня 2013 г.

Pike in May

In the cloud peaceful spring days to fish in a small river, which is already cleared by meltwater. Pike can be caught on spinning is the second in a week after spawning. This mainly occurs in the first half of May. From dawn to dusk great fish caught, because she is hungry. But the most productive time - day. At night, the bite dies down, however, be aware that in any particular place fish has its "cool" schedule.
After spawning, the fish are very hungry and ready to devour a pack of fishes, swimming past lurking in the Gulf or in the inflow toothed barrier. During this period, the artificial bait pike bite is worse than live bait. For the extraction of bait fish need bloodworm or small grubs. Place on small live bait fishing is, where there is no flow. You can catch an ordinary float rod. Need to take a little detour (№ 20-22), and 0.15-0.18 mm fishing line. Save the spring of bait fish is not difficult, but still often do not forget to change the water in the tank with your live bait on them and not have to leave the baits in the sun to avoid overheating. The best live bait on them to catch pike are considered dace, bleak, plotvitsa, bream, worse catch on golavlikov, small perch and Karasik. Poor live bait on them are ruffs or lines.

Even if a powerful flood or water level drops, the predator will move on and be sure to stumble vsemuvodoemu the bait. The complexity of fishing is to take out a hyperactive fish out of water, as the first spawning pike comes to 3 years, when weighing about 1 kg. So you have to prepare the appropriate gear.

Take-foot spinning rod fishing line in 27-0,35 mm, 10 cm mixed metal leash, single or double spacious dvadtsatimillimetrovy hook, sinker, "olive" in the 10-20 g and the corresponding float.

Before you start fishing is best to make a couple of casts to find relief in the bottom of the pond. Pike does not like rapid flow and therefore often hidden there, where in the springtime flows wash away the recess. Specifically, in this place we drag along the bottom of live bait will come to himself, and the predator will throw at him.

But even better, it would keep the bait at a distance of 50-70 cm from the bottom. To this end, sinking a fishing line in the water, hold, and the next throwing, you have to stay in the account until the final two numbers (it was 10, and was 8).

The rod must be kept in line with the cord to turn down the load during the snatch. Pike bite is transmitted to the rod as a powerful punch, with the stronger, the fish will be larger. After the bite immediately strike can not, but you need to give the fish time to swallow bait.

If you got a big specimen, it will drag the bait in depth from the coast. The fish should strike through 2-3 seconds. A small pike will swim to the shore at first or along it. This fish should be given 10-15 seconds, and then remove from the water. Fish must be fed smoothly to the shore, trying to give her an opportunity to make a "candle" because it often comes down the pike since the hook. Approximate to catch pike in advance prepared a net, and more is better to take out with a boat hook.

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