пятница, 1 февраля 2013 г.

Bream on a ring

Bream on a ring or some other bream on the puck - method widely used and very popular, especially in the Volga River and its tributary rivers in it. Bream on a ring, in addition, in contrast to other methods is very dobychlivy way.
If you catch on with a trough feeder, you can go fishing for anything and does not catch on the ring you will always be a catch. In any case, even if you do not catch a good bream at least half a dozen white bream you will be provided accurately.

Bream on the ring requires a rather cumbersome equipment.
First of all, you need a boat. For me it's better rubber less rattles, and this is very important, because all the action takes place right under the boat and the extra noise here at all to anything. Though of course the aluminum or plastic boat catch comfortably. An important thing is the two anchors must be robust enough to keep the boat on course, attached to a stretched across the river at these anchor rope.

And so you get up on the river across the stream on a rope stretched on two anchors. Then you drop over the side feeder. Feeder fishing on such a thing, no less important than the boat.
What is a feeder for bream on the ring. The people know a lot of options, but I will discuss the most common and perhaps the most basic version. This is the usual net bag ispod vegetables. The mesh size should be such that the food is not washed over in the first few minutes - about five to five millimeters. At the bottom of the bag-load feeders placed it can be a piece of iron or lead, heavy enough to hold the bird feeder on the course, about one kilogram. Then there put bait composed, each angler is different. But the main thing that was in the bait and large particles such as barley or corn grits and average smaller and something for fragrant "muti" - such as semolina.
To tighten the knot bag tied thick fishing line, graph, for example, is thick enough to raise and lower the feeder with groundbait and cargo. Fishing line attached to the boat under tension so that the throat of the bag hanging in the water, and the bottom with the load and the bait was on the bottom.

Well, you dropped anchor thrown overboard feeder (for the board that downstream). Next you need to slowly cook gear, slowly, because there is no need to hurry if still smash over groundbait.
What is a tackle for bream on the ring.
First of all, this type of short winter rod length not exceeding 70 cm coil fits any. It is also very important nod must be rigid enough not to react to the current. However, the rod does not a required element for a fishing trip I personally hold the line in his hand. So is not easy on the eyes and sensitivity is better to miss a bite is almost impossible, unless you sleep.
Lesko 0.3 or even 0.5. Lines do not need a lot of 15 meters on a reel enough. On this line and is a ring on which there was a name gear. "The Ring" is a piece of lead round in cross-section and bent to form a ring. The ends are cut at an angle of 45 degrees, and when the ring collapsed ends adjacent to each other and enclose it. On the opposite side of the junction ring has a hole 2-3 mm in diameter and the hole at the end of the fishing line is skipped line groovy ring to which is attached another piece of fishing line which has been underway for leashes with hooks.
Ring with the main line is put through a thick seam line from bird feeders and down into the depths. When the ring comes to bird feeders to stop it. A main line of the hook, you can let go on, adjusting the distance between the hooks to the feeder.
Another important detail - on the line feeders, wear a flat piece of lead through a hole in the middle and the same diameter as the ring. This should be followed to prevent the ring to wear to the throat feeders and confused.

Suppose all that has been said above is more or less clear. The question is where and how to catch?
Where to catch - the answer could be a topic for another article. However, I will give some basic tips.
It is important that the fish itself found you on the aft track. So, first of all, when choosing a place to remember the point of fishing should be about ten meters above fifteen alleged pockets of fish. This may be a hole or bend over with the opposite shore. Just do not miss the attention steep clay bank.
How to catch - stick worm, corn, peas, and so on. on hooks (the worm out of competition), (by the way, more than three hooks does not make sense to put), put a ring on the line feeders and, slowly drop the ring until it reaches the trough, then let another meter and .... sit and wait for a bite. If you are overcome by thirst for creativity, you can sometimes jerking line, let out and pull back - no harm at point too is not seen. But occasionally tugging feeder very necessary, it is always enlivens nibble.

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