пятница, 5 апреля 2013 г.

All the dangers of skin diving

Recently, skin diving is attracting more and more outdoor enthusiasts. Today, many of the newcomers believe that good equipment and learning some basic rules of behavior in water is sufficient for complete safety obsession hobby. But this is not so, because spearfishing - is not only fun, but also a huge exercise in new, unfamiliar to the body conditions. Sometimes not only beginners, but many experienced "Sagittarius-Aquarius" do not know what the health risks might cause this extreme sport. That's why in this article I want to talk about the disease that is to be feared submarine hunters to avoid possible health problems.

Let's start with a simple example for the underwater hunter. So, swimming for two hours. Certainly, there are parts of the river bed, which can be run on a quiet walk and no diving. But there are times when you need to constantly make dive - 30-40 seconds under the water reaches the surface, three inhale / exhale, and again into the depths. In some cases, we need to stop and take a break, to bring back to normal breathing (other options are possible.) So, according to estimates people are under water without breathing 60-70% of the time swim. It is easy to imagine what the body is experiencing a shortage of oxygen. Also, it must be emphasized that all actions under the water accompanied by vigorous exercise and came out of the water, you feel a little noise in your head and lethargy in their own movements (1.5-2 hours all passes). The lack of oxygen (hypoxia) occurs in almost all organs, including the brain, heart, muscle, kidney and liver. The degree of dyspnea depends on the intensity of physical activity, water temperature, emotional stress. That's why people who have had previous health problems should be especially careful to dose load, avoid long swim, try to be in the water not more than six hours.
One of the main components of success is the ability of underwater hunter as long as possible under water. The most common way to increase the breath is hyperventilation, which is more rapid breathing, faster and deeper than usual. His goal - to build the maximum amount of oxygen and high carbon dioxide removal from the body. Hyperventilation leads to certain changes in the central nervous system of euphoria, self-confidence. But! Accumulate an excess of oxygen is not possible and only the release of carbon dioxide can increase breath hold for a while (very short). Cheating the body can lead to dangerous consequences, until he lost consciousness!
Differential pressure when submerged, too, have a negative effect. Some underwater hunters practice diving for ten-mark, which implies additional pressure on the eardrum. Coming back up, people are being seriously weather extremes, which adversely affects the lungs, cardiovascular system, the vestibular apparatus. Even experienced "amphibian", having great experience of underwater hunting, never dive deeper than 5-6 meters.
Do not forget about the current threat to vision. It has long been known that the "air" under the eyes see in a normal perspective, and under water (through a mask) - in the other. In this case we can speak about the "optical illusion" - a person with normal vision as if wearing glasses with a different size diopters. There were times when, coming out of the water "Neptune" loses contrast, alternately staring at objects that close-up, on the distant silhouettes. But this, of course, an individual factor.
Hypothermia - one of the negative factors that affect the underwater hunter. This may not be as important in the warmer months, but many of the fans continue this activity in the spring, and fall, and some - even in winter. The first danger when submerged in cold water is the possible development of spasm of the glottis, which can lead to respiratory failure. Feel slit spasm can be anyone, not even leaving the room. You must be a cold shower. After a surprise hit on the body of a large quantity of cold water reflex occurs deep breath and breathing is an involuntary delay, the longer the less seasoned body. To prevent this condition you want to check your wetsuit for leaks, you can fill it with warm water and make immersing gradually. In cold weather, you need to limit your stay in the water as cooling may worsen chronic illness, or be new - such as sore throat, rheumatic fever, an inflammatory disease of the urinary tract, prostate, etc. If you peremerzli in water - rub the skin dry with a towel and change clothes to dry clothes. To make up for the energy cost of the body, namely glucose, drink hot necessarily sweet, weak tea.
Evil enemy divers are alcohol and smoking - can only be worse haste unjustified risk, bravado and a desire to prove anything at all costs. As a result of alcohol occurs first short spasm and then vasodilation. This is especially dangerous for people who have heart problems, blood pressure, as excessive exercise, combined with cooling can trigger a heart attack, and this is a direct threat to human life. And one more caveat. Never start the hunt, if you feel sick. It is better not to tempt fate, keep yourself and your health.
Underwater divers waiting for danger in the form of mechanical obstruction: algae, cramps, sunken trees. Such barriers should be carefully or circumvent, or behave as concentrated and carefully. If there is a critical situation, try not to panic, loss of orientation, remember - the surface is always there, where the air bubbles rise. Never be afraid to lose weight belt - life in any way more expensive!
Sure, there's a spearfishing and positive aspects to the human body. First of all, this is swimming, which helps immunity and strengthens it. For example, after 2-3 days of heats is cleansed of light - sometimes, heading riverbed, you just throw the tube to breath and open my mouth to clot out mucus that has accumulated in the lungs of the previous period. It should also be noted that during the voyage additionally works a different muscle group that are not needed when you stay on the beach. But most importantly, it is the process itself, which mars the pleasure of all of the above negative points.

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