четверг, 11 апреля 2013 г.

Fishing in April

Fishing in April aprele.V life in ponds, to the joy of fishing, it is active. The fish comes to the surface of water to breathe oxygen, the amount of which was limited in the pond all winter because of the thickness of the ice. In most species of fish during the spawning season begins, and they are looking for places to lay their eggs and rearing fry.

In April spawning pike, carp, carp, roach, perch, sturgeon, sturgeon. Pike rarely changes the habitat in the lake, so if you were lucky last year and you came on the heels of the fish, get back to where he was a good catch. During the hunt, pike kept grassy coastal areas where many small fish.
Fishing in April is best to catch pike zherlitsy with fry, which should always be in motion, and minnow. Pike in April as well caught spinning. For bait, use minnows, perch, roach, and other medium-sized fish (no more than 10 cm in length). Pike caught well after ice drift. This fish loves a bright and warm water. The best time to productive pike zherlitsy - early morning. Happy pike this way is almost impossible. Zherlitsy can leave for the night, in the morning checking out the catch. Spinning pike can be caught at any time of day.
Continues night angling burbot off the coast. Deteriorating, and then stops biting pike on live bait and lures. This means that it has begun spawning. Until the last days of standing on the ice spinner perch are biting, mostly at depths of 4-6 m, it is better in the morning and evening hours. Often mixed with large perch perch catches. Medium and small perch catches in shallow water (1-1.5 m), near the grass on small spinners with packing. No less successful fishing in April in fishing tackle and float rod. Once opened, the rivers and floods, as soon as the recession vernal water at night can be bottom fishing rods to catch burbot Nightcrawlers, pile worms, chicken intestine, small bait fish.
In small rivers, rapidly cleared from the haze, very interesting angling in posting ide, chub, roach, white bream, undermouth, dace, gudgeon on a large manure worms, bloodworms, Caddis, beetle larva. In these rivers the fish are biting on the float and bottom fishing rods on the same nozzle. When favorable, warm weather the last third of fishing in April in the shallow, well-warmed waters carp can be caught at the red manure worm. By the end of the month with the dams on byri recommended catch "melt" with the spinning rod for perch and chub ukleyu, small golavlika or dace. In small, lighten streams can be successfully hunt and with spinning.
Fishing in April in the lakes and large reservoirs begins after the disappearance of ice and precipitation turbidity, typically 10 to 15 days after the start of fishing on rivers. In late April, observed spawning perch at the end of ice flow in the rivers and the disappearance of ice in lakes and large ponds. Home spawning pike - in the second decade. Spawning perch - in the second, and sometimes in the third decade. Farther north these terms somewhat shifted.

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