четверг, 18 апреля 2013 г.

As the salt river fish

Homemade salted fish - what ever practiced every angler. Caught fish is not only to maintain but also to prepare tasty. Frying fish - this is certainly the best means of "disposal" of the catch. And if you brought home half a sack of fish and you do not have a large, friendly and hungry family? What to do in this case?

Therefore, every fisherman has from time to time to deal with domestic salting fish. In my opinion, smoked fish tastes salty, but the smoking process is much more time-consuming: you need capacity for smoking wood chips special, you need to plant and maintain a fire. Thus pet salting more versatile and commonly used method of harvesting the fish. Let us try to understand how salt river fish home.
There are many different recipes for homemade pickled fish, but all of them can be divided into 2 groups:
1) Spicy salted fish. Calculated on the use of fish immediately after preparation.
2) Dry salting of fish. The fish is kept for some time in the marinade, and then dried.

SPICY salted fish
The simplest and most frequently used form of home-pickled fish. It is necessary:
- A deep bowl, pot or bowl
- Spices. Be sure the bay leaf and black pepper. I usually add more coriander.
- Salt is not very finely ground.
This kind of home-pickled fish are not designed for large fish. Best fit specimens weighing up to a kilogram. In our Canning gutted fish dishes laid with layers, starting with the larger carcasses. Each layer is covered with a little salt, add a few grains of coriander and pepper, a few bay leaves. Layer by layer should be laid all the fish. After that, take the lid off the old smaller diameter pots and put it on the fish. On top of the lid put a special "Canning" dumbbell.

All this stuff should be left to cool in the house / apartment for 3-4 days. After that, remove the lid and put the open pan under running cold water. The fish should be thoroughly washed with salt. When the water in the pan is clean and clear, turn off the water and leave the fish in the pan for approximately an hour and a half. After that, drain the water and lay the fish on the table, the laid newspapers. After about two or three hours the fish dries up and is ready for use. Our dish has a distinct taste, smell, and can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator. This is a favorite treat of my father - an experienced fisherman. Nothing beats the taste of homemade spicy salted salted fish, which prepares the father, combined with a delicious potato puree! I recommend everyone to try to cook this dish at home, you will not regret!

DRY salted fish
In general, all pretty much the same as in spicy brine. The only difference is that the fish in the brine should be kept no longer than three days (I usually keep two days). After salting it should be washed with water and wipe dry with a cloth and hung to dry for 3-4 days. It is necessary to organize the drying process so that did not sit down at the fish flies. Otherwise, you can succumb to risk not only fish, but also their own health!

Typically, in such a way I prepare my spring catch. Spring is still not as many flies as the summer, so I'm not worried about the process of drying fish. For this type of home-pickled fish are ideal bream and roach. Fish cooked in this way, definitely is the best snack to beer!
As already mentioned above, the big fish uncomfortable spicy pickle salting. Only through trial and error, I developed my "unique" recipe spicy salted big fish.
So, it is necessary to gut the carcass and neck. In order to fish better and faster prosalivalas, I make a few notches on the back of the tail to the head. In these cuts I rub salt and spices.
Big fish can not fit in my pot for home pickling, so I fry every Salts separately. Thoroughly rub the salt and spices into eviscerated abdomen and longitudinal incisions zamatyvat fish in cheesecloth and tied up with string and leave it inside the basin on the balcony of approximately 10 days. This type of home-pickled fish I apply in the fall or spring when the weather is cool on the balcony with a temperature of from 0 up to 8 degrees. If unexpected warming, I remove the fish from the balcony in the fridge. Also, it is desirable to fish every day to drain tuzlik. After prosola need to remove the gauze, rinse the fish with cold water and wipe with a towel or cloth. All fish is ready for use.
If you do it right, then the carcass is superficially resemble fish salmon (from which this type of homemade pickles sometimes called Balykova). By refinement of taste this product is safe to call a delicacy. Try it and you'll see it!
Diversify your life and the lives of your loved ones a delicious fish dishes! Bon appetit!

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