вторник, 30 октября 2012 г.

Fishing will be free

In Russia, at last, there will be rules for the fishermen, but more on this at a press conference in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" said the head of Andrew Rosrybalovstva deadline. The fact that the bill was a "recreational fishing" was submitted to the government.
    I recall more than a year on this bill scandal Russian scale fishermen with rallies and heated discussions in the media. Then asked to enter the card fisherman, for which you had to pay. The draft was sent back for revision and then, finally, it is submitted to the government and this fall is likely to be passed by the Parliament.

    - Fishing will be free, - explained the deadline. - No card purchase is not required. But we set the daily rate of fishing, which is now not at all. In Soviet times, this restriction was 5 kg per day, or one fish (even if it is heavier than 5 kg.). Now each region will set the norm itself. Restriction on fishing will affect only the rare species.
    The so-called access to the water, to take money is prohibited. The fact that some businesses have managed to put the water gates and demand from fishermen pay only for the fact that they will sit on the beach. Businesses can offer you for the money only extras: bait, barbecues, buckets, boats and so on. But only on a voluntary basis.
    Also plans to ban the sale of fish. That is, if you are an amateur fisherman are fishing for fun, and to enjoy a family soup, the trade may not catch.
    Life is complicated for poachers. Under the bill, buy a fishing net from a retailer will only one who is engaged in industrial fishing and has a special document issued Rosrybolovstvo. In this case, the network will be registered on the man. Now the problem is that the poachers are buying cheap Chinese network in large numbers, putting it, but when they try to catch the inspector, the offender just throws network and hides.
    - We are pulling thousands of kilometers of water networks - explained Andrew deadline. - Previously, when the networks were expensive, they had to weave their poachers do not rush. Now they cost a penny. We want to bring control to the network only sold with permits and retained the man. In the hunt did long ago.

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