суббота, 27 октября 2012 г.

Navigator GPS for fishing

I guess now I do not find people who have never met in my life the word "Navigator" or "GRS". Once developed by the U.S. military for their own use in Global Positioning System GRS (Global Positioning System) is widely invaded the civil sphere. Today, in addition to chips GRS navigators - devices designed specifically for them - is inserted into mobile phones, smart phones, computers, security systems.

More and more cars are equipped with navigation systems, and the market for the production and sales in the industry is constantly growing and expanding. And I must say that we, fishers, recent progress in the use of GPS does not shy away from, be sure to read.
So what's different about the modern navigation device for use by anglers from all other varieties of these devices? First of all, the ability to be mobile. If you are not fishing in his own boat with an installed navigation system or GPS - GPS is not built into your fishfinder is not cheap, the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a particular model, it is its size. This feature eliminates the instruments of class cars, motorcycles and marine navigation. For our brothers - the angler the greatest interest in this regard are navigators of the travel series. They are small enough, as a rule, they are dust and water - are protected, relatively shockproof, self-contained in the diet, and have many other useful functions necessary for both tourists and fishermen to hunters. Even the most simple navigation allows the angler to keep track of their location, routes and stores catchability point, allows to measure time, distance, speed, such as in the water, they have accurate internal clock, helps not to get lost in the river duct, cut the way we move along much meandering rivers, not to lose your way in the absence of light or in thick morning fog and a lot of other things.

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