четверг, 11 октября 2012 г.

Spawning carp

Carp significantly more dependent on the temperature, as compared to the described above crucian and other freshwater fishes. After spending the winter in the pits, carp are selected in the upper horizons depth only when the water is completely thaws, and the выгуливается reluctantly, and if the bite, then reluctantly. Respectively, and carp spawning occurs later. For the beginning of the spawning season it is necessary that the water temperature has reached 25 C. In more cold water
development fry is slowing down, with a sharp decrease in temperature of the offspring may die.
Period of spawning at коропа begins in the end of April - beginning of may, but in most cases, the withdrawal of seed is already in June, which is determined by the temperature and the features of each concrete reservoir. It is believed that the river carp (Cyprinus carpio) are squeamish about непроточными waters, while the lake carp can stoop to the forest, flooded stagnant water, only it was much stick caviar.
The carp was spotted interesting feature is to conduct exploration before spawning. The day before spawning on the alleged scene of the coming one-two fishes, and tomorrow on their trail arrives the main bulk of the Suite.
Carp - strong fish, on the way to the place of spawning they are able to overcome the obstacles, jump small dams and levees. Cases are known, when the fish out of the water at the height up to two meters.
Procedure spawning a carp subordinated to the age of the hierarchy is the first «shot» youth, then larger individuals. The total duration of spawning may reach of the month. It is noteworthy that the carp are able to slow the development of the eggs, waiting for favourable conditions. Spawning коропа is held in several stages, but the first one is the most massive (up to a half of the total stock of caviar). Females much bigger than males, which is not surprising, since the total weight of eggs may be up to half the weight of the fish.
Seed river Karpov survival is given much more difficult. Young has a large number of natural predators, and the conditions are not very propitious. So that survive will be able to only one tenth of litter, and the maturity achieved not all.

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