суббота, 20 октября 2012 г.

How to catch carp beginners. Spring - autumn

Carp is the most popular fish among the fishermen living in our reservoirs. On his fishing written a lot, but to say that is put on a page full of information, it is impossible. In recent years intensively discussed the topic of catching carp in the winter period. Fishermen share their observations of the places capture of the winter goldfish - this is mainly small ponds, and reservoirs with a natural (keys, sources) and artificial (TPP, GRES) heating water. Like the information insignificant, but for such particles personal experience is more accurate picture of any fish, its habits and methods of catching. Proceeding from this, for many years, hunting for crucian, I thought my experience might be useful for the admirers of this interesting fish.
t is well known that the crucian carp is found in water bodies with calm water, the bottom of which is covered with mud and covered with seaweed. Basically, a place of worship him coastal grass. Most of all I craned carp from the places, which ended with the vegetation and the clean water, or from the Windows, thickly overgrown with water lilies. On the open water biting happen, but very rarely, and then only where there is no usual other fish species, especially prey.

Faithful companion goldfish - 
perched that their presence shows the position of his «comrades». What is this «close cooperation», I don't know, but crucian carp, thanks to it, becomes a «visible» to the Fisher. Another symptom of the presence of a line of bubbles on the surface of the water, left behind by a fish, searching for food in the bottom sludge.

Personally, I prefer to fish from the shore on поплавочную bait, equipped with mormyshka or hook. Under мормышку choose to light the fishing rod, at which the tip of the anchoring of long nod at right angles to a stick. The game in open water is not like in the winter - it should be more energetic, with increased amplitude of movement.

The rod should be equipped with the passing rings and a small coil. Thin leash apply in any case. For
ogruzki   tooling using the weight in the form of pellets, which is attached there, where it joins the leash with the main line.
I think that thanks to this snap-in, is a minimum of noise during the hurling, and this is significant, because crucian carp fish cautious and timid. The color of the lines should match the color of the water. Float put a light and extended (length 50 mm). To make it use a foam or feather goose. Regulatory ogruzku float so that the water was seen no more than 15 mm of the length of the. If the day was Sunny, the best option painting float think multicolored: alternating bands of black, white and yellow. If the illumination of the destroyed weather conditions or the place of fishing using float longer (80mm), the upper part of which (the upper - 30mm) painted in white color. Float secured with the cambric, so change the depth of fishing is not difficult, that is not unimportant while fishing in the heat, when the crucian carp can stand in any layer of the water: and at the bottom, and the surface.

The best option hook for themselves determined the following: circular cross-section, of iron wire and drove her round, №3-4 (for catching the big fish - №5-6). If as bait for the use of the worm, the hook choose with a long 

Crucian carp is sensitive not only to the noise of the water, but also to minor fluctuations of the surface. Those who do not remember, mainly comes home with fish.

Now about the nozzles. Crucian carp quite
picky : yesterday well pecked on the worm, but today only responds to the maggots, tomorrow will take on bloodworms. Therefore, if gathered for crucian, garner a large number of different nozzles of animal and vegetable origin. Not just a witness of such a picture: before the temptation offered refreshments, crucian carp «examine it, and if something he doesn't like, right away.

To fishing was successful, do not ignore the
bait: a crucian excellent sense of smell, so the lure it can be a pleasant odor. I'll be sure to add in bait a few drops of Valerian, vanilla powder, roasted seeds cannabis, etc.

Crucian carp bites boldly, frankly, but in different ways. In the spring period of time instantly, like a perch, delaying the float under the water. Summer puts it to the surface and the «knocks», after which pulls to the side, along the way dipping. Kick you should do, when the fish is safe picked up the head, and not immediately after the bite. Want to ride across it should be calm, only using the brush but not the whole hand. The movement is excluded lips crucian too soft.

Vyvazhivat carp should be, considering some of its features. Once on the hook, he almost always has a strong resistance. Therefore it is necessary quickly, so long as the fish did not come to himself, pulling, and then Karas a couple of seconds without a fight floats to the surface, and taking a SIP of oxygen, falls on its side. Now it can be safely pull the. For a fish, a weight exceeding 200g, need a landing net.

Appetite in the spring of the crucian wakes up at the end of the spawning season and lasts for almost two weeks. In this period of time, it is within the light of the day eagerly pecks on any nozzle. With the onset of the July heat fish manifests itself from time to time, depending on the temperature of the water at the moment of the reservoir.

From personal experience I know that the best time for catching carp begins in late summer and lasts until the last days of September - nibble stable, without long breaks, as in the other months. I think that the cause of this phenomenon is caused by the sustainable cool weather and the lack of wind in this period of time. Only sometimes can start a small warm rain or blow faint breeze, leaving a faint ripple on the surface of the water. The good nibble takes place early in the morning, sometimes lasts until noon, followed by a lull up to 14 hours, after which the newly updated and lasts until nearly midnight. From the nozzle crucian carp more prefers насадкам of animal origin - the larvae of dragonflies and bark, flour worms, 

With the onset of heat in the water without running water, crucian carp is coming to the surface of the water. This should be taken into account when determining the depth of fishing gear and fish amongst aquatic vegetation in the so-called Windows. In the absence of Windows, you can make them yourself, clean the area with a diameter of 1.5-2m and to floating algae it is not closed again, put in the place of the ring, woven of twigs.

Starting from October until the beginning of November, crucian carp still manifests itself. With the advent of the cold and with a strong North wind, he completely ignores the bait. In the autumn months, crucian carp opted for small наживках and biting gently, slowly «processing» the nozzle.

Crucian carp is very tenacious. If it lay in the wet grass, he remains alive 24 hours, and in the cool days - «stretch» a couple of days. In the wet moss fish live even more.

Often crucian carp smell like a swamp. In order to eliminate the unpleasant smell, even a live carp should be omitted for 1-2 days in the running water, and 
eviscerated - for 2-3 days put it in the refrigerator. Ear remain without smell Tina after adding in her groats millet.

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