суббота, 1 декабря 2012 г.

Favorite fishing spots

Almost every angler has his favorite place, with which it is associated most exciting moments: the first "throw", and a good bite, and return with their catch home. Those who live near the Savelovskaya or
Leningrad railway, often go fishing Ivankovskoye reservoir.
Lake Lebyazhe. It is located between the highway and the canal Dmitrov them. Moscow in half a kilometer from the station Big Volga Savelovskaya road (go to Moscow). In his car to go on Dmitrovka - one kilometer after the traffic police post in Dubna. Perfectly clean, clear water. Reed islands and sandbanks. Caught deep craters. Quite deserted, despite the abundance of fish: pike, roach, bream, tench, perch and burbot. Success awaits poplavochnikov and mormyshechnikov and spinningists. The last nice to have a boat. Good winter fishing and zherlitsy.
Bay "Appendicitis." Dubna near HPS. A good bite at any time of year. GES dropped water rich in oxygen, which attracts fish. Average depth - five meters and deeper. Perch, pike, perch, bream, roach, bream. A lot of bleak. When the winter ice fishing bite and smelt. During slow, so it is convenient to catch circles. Take the train to the Great Volga River, then by bus one stop. By car - to the platform Great Volga, then in a tunnel under the canal, and to the Gulf - a stone's throw! The only negative - the summer can prevent water-skiing.
Lower Volga HPP. Place, popular with fishing enthusiasts Konakovsky year round, as the water does not freeze in winter here - no restrictions for spinning! True, every now and then spinning catches for debris, which many at the bottom. The water is full of fish: perch, pike, perch, ide, burbot, bream, roach and bleak. Moscow River below the capital is much poorer. Donka winter convenient to catch burbot. Fishing only on Tverskoy coast - near the hydroelectric plant protection catch prohibits. Go past the large bay on the Volga "Appendicitis" a mile (2 more stops by bus).
The beginning of the Moscow Canal (near Ivankovskoye reservoir). Beauty, plenty of fish: chub, roach, bream, pike, perch. Anglers luffing rods and connectors are guests here for days, living in tents. Goes well and bottom fishing. Despite the popularity of the place is cozy and quiet. It should be noted that the bite depends on the movement of locks.
It is important to remember that even in those areas where water freezes in winter, the ice is very fragile, so beware of hiking through the frozen water.

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