среда, 12 декабря 2012 г.

How to dress for winter fishing

Clothing should be good to keep warm, steamy soak up sweat, protect from wind and water, should not be tight and constrain the movement, thus causing poor circulation.

1. Outerwear and underwear. Underwear - linen or cotton. Particularly suitable for this famous "vest." Underwear should be a little wearing and svezhevystirannym. Underwear worn over a thin "grid", made of thick soft rope of at least five millimeters thick. Thus, between the top of clothing and fine linens always contain air. When driving, if it is hot and the sweat rolls, clothing does not stick to the body, and ventilation under clothes canceled. When cold, keeps warm air layer as comforters, and in addition does not weigh anything. This grid and the heat saves, and in the summer and has another purpose. The fact that the mosquito nose pierced clothing falls into the void, without taking up the body.
Top of the grid wear trousers and a woolen sweater. Sweater should be with a high collar, closing neck. Pants - made of thick waterproof and windproof fabric. Thick and warm pants - not quite correct. Our ancestors never did not wear fur pants. Instead, they had long coats to toe. In sopreesh fur trousers and a long coat - no. Therefore, on top of everything is better to wear a jacket, which is fastened to the bottom of the long floors that cover the body almost to the toe. Floors easily unfasten and twist roll. Jacket should be a thick, warm, lightweight, and waterproof. Length jackets - to mid-thigh: and go not interfere, and the seat is used.

2. To his feet. Particular attention should be paid to footwear, as just feet freezing in the first place and the most. Shoes should be free (for one - two sizes too big), water resistant, thick soft polyurethane soles, finished in natural wool or a good insulating material. As insoles good use sanitary towels, which are well absorb and retain moisture evaporating. Weak substitute gaskets are old newspapers. Svezhevystirannye worn on the leg, very thick, pure wool (best dog) socks. This warm socks and well, and keeps pace with sweat, not rub it and not cleared himself. There should be no synthetics, because it disrupts normal ventilation and prevents moisture evaporating. If does not hurt to have spare socks.

3. On his head. Most sensitive to the cooling zones of the human body are the neck and head (especially the occipital region, where the center of thermoregulation), back, hands and feet. Therefore, these parts of the body require priority protection. How do you need to dress up to meet these requirements?
On his head, under the hat, worn knitted, close-fitting balaclava head with oval cut for the person in front. Top, covered his head, his one layer, and the bottom, fitting the neck, shoulders, upper chest and back - two, and preferably three layers (as the middle layer is sewn the same grid). With this there is no need balaclava wearing a scarf that is constantly knocked out of clothes, go astray, climbs into his mouth and otherwise poisons the life of a fisherman.

4. On hand: it is anyone's hands are freezing. Some start fishing in leather gloves (especially when the bit), and then in ordinary cloth or without any. If there is no wind and snow, you can sleeve thermal underwear and lightweight sweater pulled out, covering almost the entire back of his hand. The main thing with a big minus not to wet your hands and not enough to the metal things.
For dry hands after pulling fish, etc. should always be well-cloth towel.

5. Recommend the use of so-called "podzhopnik" or "sidushku" - cavers love. From camping mat cut piece to fasten it around the elastic band belt, covering the seat. Sizes depend only on yourself. Now ready-sell in the store. Used both in winter and summer.

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