четверг, 6 декабря 2012 г.

Moscow grayling

Not a typo is it? How is such a noble fish side can refer to the Moscow region. On the one hand, yes, on the other hand - no ... Of course, in Moscow itself, or in the near suburbs, and it can not be. The explanation for this is simple: there is no suitable habitat suitable reservoirs for this "flagship". Quite another thing - fast rivers Tver region. But then what does the phrase "Moscow umber" to Tver region?

The minimum distance from Moscow, where I successfully caught grayling - about 180-190 km. We went into such "travel" on the machine, a maximum distance that really pull in one day - about 300 km. It was in this band (180 - 300 km) and placed all my hariusovye fishing. Climb on, places where, of course, even more interesting, and charming nature, is a little more difficult, especially when your check is limited to one day. A closer 180km simply suitable for grayling conditions no! It turns out that if you want spinning from Moscow catch grayling, you expect at least a couple of hours away by car. But ... there is a will ...

So, in the capital and fishing is very, very real chance to do hariusovoy fishing fast, rapids rivers. And I will say to my senses: a little that can compare with the fishing. So sitting down with the first out, I wanted more and more to go and see in these parts, I just forgot about all the other ways of fishing and fish species in the suburbs. A lot of material, and I hope it is new to the reader, so I think more correct to divide it into two articles. In the first part, I would like to focus on the habitats of this beautiful fish, specify which rivers can expect to catch not one instance, and when you just peek out of the car window to see that in this river grayling lacks.

Discuss specific parking place, manner of hunting and many more. In the second part will focus on the outfit, directly by the gear, and wiring method of supplying a variety of baits.

So, what do we know about this noble fish?

Grayling, a close relative of salmon and white fish, found only in the Northern Hemisphere. He inhabits clean cold water rivers and lakes, preferring water with a pebbly and rocky bottom. Can form a river, lake ozernorechnye and pure form. In Russia, which accounts for the majority of all known species and subspecies of the family Hariusovyh, this fish is found in the vast territory stretching from the western to eastern regions of the country. None grayling only in some European regions, tending to the south, as well as in a number of basins of lowland rivers Ob and Yenisei watershed.

Original card grayling - his big, like a flag, the dorsal fin, "fancy" pattern of spots or stripes. The shape of the fin design and color pattern on it in different fish species (subspecies) populations have significant differences. Is on the back of a grayling and small adipose fin, emphasizing noble blood of the fish, its kinship with salmon.

Grayling can reach a weight of 2.5 - 3.0 kg. There are cases catch larger fish (the record is a copy of a mass of 6.7 kg, produced in 1956 in Lake Konnevesi in Finland). Usually, however, the catch is dominated by individuals weighing less than a kilogram.

Grayling is almost omnivorous. His usual food - benthic organisms, crustaceans Gammarus, shellfish, and other forms of larvae developing in water insects (mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies). As well as various terrestrial insects, accidentally fell into the water - grasshoppers, leafhoppers, gadflies, gnats. Do not miss the occasion to regale grayling fish and caviar. Often eat large grayling fry, and more rarely, may attack small mammals (voles, shrews, etc.).

In the spring, in April - May, Grayling, wintered in the deep holes of the lower reaches of rivers, leaving their "apartments" and raised, often still covered with ice, closer to the upper, and with the beginning of the flood come to breed in tributaries. A similar pattern can be observed in this time of grayling and lake-river populations. The only difference is that the lakes fish can go not only in the supply streams and rivers, but also to go down the river flowing rivers. Along with the mature fish (grayling become that for 3 - 5-year life), in the spring migrations involved and these migrations molod.U it look like pure feeding.

Grayling spawn in May - beginning of June when the water temperature 5 - 10 ° C in the sand and gravel areas with moderately fast current and a depth of 30 - 60 cm grayling spawning lake forms occurs in shallow coastal areas of the lakes.

Feeding at the river populations lasts until about October. With the onset of autumn cold (before the advent of the sludge) grayling again, as in the spring, they go on the road. But their path is in the opposite direction - to the usual wintering grounds. A similar schedule and many lakes and rivers species. However, among the latter, there are also ecological forms, which prefer to return after breeding to feed into the lake. Such behavior is characteristic, for example, the so-called black Baikal grayling.

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