понедельник, 25 февраля 2013 г.

Karakata 4x4

Karakata that was assembled to order for fishing trips on the Istra reservoir. The customer, a couple of times to see how "pits" go through the ice, I decided to play it safe and buy, even homemade, but not least, quality ATV tires at low pressure. That, even if the common mode of transportation among fishermen and fails, it

четверг, 14 февраля 2013 г.

Homemade ATV

Here's a self-made all-terrain vehicle will easily get the whole team fans of winter fishing to cherished places for long distances across the ice in large lakes and reservoirs.
    Engine and gearbox variable transmissions and axles for the all-terrain vehicle taken from the "Lada"

среда, 13 февраля 2013 г.

Eel - a fish ghost floodplain lakes

So you can call ordinary Loach for his ability to disappear in water, which, under the scorching rays of the summer sun turn into ordinary puddles. The top layer of silt, which is covered with a crust thickness of a few centimeters, then cracked, split into pieces, but just go through the rain and fill the lake, as the fish come

вторник, 12 февраля 2013 г.

Eel river

Eel. Belarusian name: Vugar, on the Neman - vangor. Distributed in the waters of the Baltic Sea basin: Western. Dvina, Neman, Zap. Bug and their tributaries, as well as in lakes Braslav group (Drivyaty, bleak, Volos, Drisvyaty, Goddess Nedrovo, growling Strustno, Obsterno, Snudy) Naroch group (Naroch

вторник, 5 февраля 2013 г.

Catching carp on the fly - a system or an accident?

Among the main mass of anglers are of the opinion that to catch carp fly fishing, if not impossible, then at least at least extremely difficult, and all the famous cases he is caught on the fly are the exception rather than the rule. I myself for a long time was in such a wrong interpretation of the issue. But as the practice: crucian very well caught fly fishing - if you have the desire, patience and perseverance.

воскресенье, 3 февраля 2013 г.

Bream fishing in the winter

Bream winter begins with site selection and drilling of wells. The first hole drilled at a distance, to determine a possible difference of depths. It is known that white bream in search of food prefer to choose places with small steps, slopes, rough bottom areas. In winter it is quite a settled way of life, moving on certain routes, and not very far from the parking. According to many anglers, with flocks of white bream local migrations have certain underwater landmarks, some koryazhen, stones, or specific parts of the bottom topography.

пятница, 1 февраля 2013 г.

Bream on a ring

Bream on a ring or some other bream on the puck - method widely used and very popular, especially in the Volga River and its tributary rivers in it. Bream on a ring, in addition, in contrast to other methods is very dobychlivy way.
If you catch on with a trough feeder, you can go fishing for anything and does not catch on the ring you will always be a catch. In any case, even if you do not catch a good bream at least half a dozen white bream you will be provided accurately.