вторник, 5 февраля 2013 г.

Catching carp on the fly - a system or an accident?

Among the main mass of anglers are of the opinion that to catch carp fly fishing, if not impossible, then at least at least extremely difficult, and all the famous cases he is caught on the fly are the exception rather than the rule. I myself for a long time was in such a wrong interpretation of the issue. But as the practice: crucian very well caught fly fishing - if you have the desire, patience and perseverance.

Knowing the biology of carp, it's hard to believe that the fish are guided in search of food in the main organs of taste and smell, will actively respond to completely inedible artificial lures. The exception is only enough considerable carp, what with the lack of familiar foods that almost always happens in late fall, can eat a medium-sized fry. With this feature, some experienced spinning at times unable to diversify their catch big carp, and on occasion even carp, making the offer in the right place at the right time is not very large spinners, twisters. But it is not classified by the system. At least, I'm not popular cases of stable catches of these fish on spinning. Yes, reason for optimism is not very much. But the fly fishing and good in its own infinity makes it possible not to lose the most dream-most hopeless situations, as it might seem.

Most of the local reservoirs, and it is a pool of the Lower Don, this is a typical slow-flat muddy river, with their species composition of fish, among which there are the palm of strength, thanks to its own resilience and ruggedness, the last decade holds goldfish. Catch it all, young and old, the bait, the feeder to donk. A consequence of this is nothing amazing that I like nahlystovika gradually emerged a strong desire to expand the list of applicable for this fish gear. Taking into account that the carp 400-500 grams is not uncommon, and copies of a kilo and even more is also not out of the realm of fantasy, hold the cord se fish quite nicely. And in case if you can raise it catching on as they say "select key" - is not that the dream of every angler? However, about everything in order!

In principle, our southern carp omnipresent and not particularly fussy. A consequence of this did not cause much surprise that even in the 1st year of my initiation to fly (when not like to fish, but just okay to throw the fly, without losing it in the seaside shrubs, was a huge task) even if sometimes, albeit haphazardly, but on occasion managed to deceive or that tiny stupid karasishku. This is encouraging. Everything seemed - that get on a flock, get on biting Guess fly, even a little bit. But time passed, and the "miracle" happened. Since lasted a long time, until he wandered the expanses of the Internet not stumbled on to become famous Tula nahlystovika Solov'ev "Notes on the middle zone of Russia." Inside it in some detail by sharing its experience fly fishing nearly all non-standard for fly fish. After reading an article excitedly, quickly tied a couple of flies in the likeness Mini Cat Whisker, Alexander recommended for lake carp and enthusiastically
ran to the river. But neither the 1st fishing or later will not bring any desired trophy, not even a hint of his bite. Just sometimes sit-schuryata nedomerki. Along with this poplavochniki neighbors, as if teasing with persistence worthy of envy pulled hefty carp. What is it? What am I doing wrong?

Analyzing quite probable reasons for failure, concluded that perhaps my fly is outside attention carp. Yet in a little fishing & other requirements - the depth of 1.5-2.5 meters, within a rather cloudy water. In general, we have to somehow bury. I have a sinking cord yet. Apply with a floating rope bitter rapidly sinking undergrowth to catch any fish delicate enough from the start considered unreasonable. As the result of experiments focused on the next version - braided intermediality or better slowly sinking flyuorokarbonovy undergrowth 2.1-2.7 meters long, thin monofilament 0.12-0.14 leash length 0.5-1.5 meters, compact and heavy fly. Was based is popular enough foresight Leech. In my version of the wing is not present, is more "fluid" tail and put a heavy head, preferably tungsten, gold or copper color, always with a mirror bright light attracts fish in muddy water from a distance. For a more radical penetration on the shank can pre podmotat lead.

Mushka: Mini Leech Variant (Red)
Hook: normal nimfovy № 12-18. Thread: 8/0 UNI - Thread Red. Podgruzka: lead wire. Head: brass or tungsten. Body: rabbit dub purple. Tail: mini marabou red. Winding through the body: purple lurex. In embodiments, Black (leech) and Olive (Dragonfly) color of all materials to the appropriate changes.

The first is the way to go fishing showed that I was on the right track. The main thing is to find a parking space and ensure that the wiring carp fly as close to the bottom. If carp enough active, biting almost guaranteed. In addition it has a considerable fall carp. This is of course not the bait fishing with bait. After the capture of the 1st 2 carp pack can guard and step aside. Remains or until the fish is expected to take myself in hand and will once again feed, or go in search of the newest park. But it does not matter and is dependent on the preferences and temperament angler.

Usual tactics - throw up the stretch, angled 45 degrees to the shore, then swam emancipated, during which the underbrush with the indispensable beauty spot plunges deep. Then she starts posting. You can, by shifting the cord loops down the stretch, scrupulously perform everyday nimfovuyu wiring, allowing the sights to drift along the bottom. From time to time better, to drift carried out with not very great force - if the brake line during the demolition of the loop, a distant part of it will be accelerated, acceleration and fly. Rod with such wiring is best to keep in line with the line that makes it easier to control the fingers incidental tactile hand (for right-handers). Any slight change in the behavior of the tip of the cord, as it is, snubs, twitching or
dives can mean bite. If the tip of the cord pritoplen and difficult to see, the bite can be found on the Effects loop - slow swim, jitter, etc. Cutting is to follow in the footsteps immediately - carp rapidly detects catch and effort by hooking the loop is passed sights with little delay. I usually cut down, making the leap cord by-hand, at the same time right to challenge the rod slightly up and away ...

PAL version of the postings, commonly used at extremely low flow or standing water, this strip when, after dipping the fly are jerks in the bottom zone. Span potyazhek, their speed, amplitude, frequency and even alternate with pauses can be highly variable. I usually start fishing with a trusted option - 3-4 inches of smooth ryvochka amplitude 5.10 Swirls with a pause of 2-3 seconds. Next on the situation. Was the case in the autumn, when the lucky strikes to achieve a large carp, only apply first and sweeping streamer wiring. Apparently, it was just enough that the exceptional case when fed carp fry. Jerk when posting in the serene water cord literally always extended in a literal line and bite his hand felt quite clearly enough - or as a clear shock, or unexpected weight. From time to time occur extremely sharp bite, in the manner of predator, which of course adds a pleasant sensation. Naturally, with such a biting, carp often overreach himself, cuttings do not need to speak.

I want to add a few comments about the choice of color flies Mini Leech. Purple color and versatile all-season, with a few exceptions. Apparently in this version is not by hearsay fly imitates moth - a favorite food of almost all fish. Slightly worse than running a dark (under the leech). Although in the first half of the season, in the frosty water black fly is more catchability. Why is this odobrat not undertake, but the fact remains. From time to time it happens that the competition is olive green, which is what any connection appears to the activity of the larvae dragonfly. In general, in a box with only these three colors, you can safely go for carp at almost any time of year ...

Recently in my arsenal any weighting insert mini sink tips, making it possible to convert a floating line with a sinking line in the end. In consequence of expanded opportunities for good fishing conditions. In particular, in the Don carp often stands and feeds on old shallow muddy sand spits. Depth there is not very much, within a meter, but for quite fast. Catch it in such requirement is hard enough - too quickly for the fly carries over carp, enthusiastically digging into mud pits. With the insertion of a difficult issue decided quite simply. For this bound for the floating Leech - without each ogruzki, but with the back of the "scum." Fishing itself is the type of fly fishing on the famous Booby Nymph on a sinking cord. In my version, the end of the cord, weighted insert, literally dragged along the bottom, and fly on a short leash soars 30 cm in a few inches from the bottom. In consequence, the demolition of the bait has slowed dramatically, and the front sight is located in the zone
attention carp is much longer. The positive result was fast to ...

Flies Mini Leech Floating Variant (Red & Black)

I think such a snap option will be advantageous when fishing in the peaceful water, in particular, the deep lake pits. In practice, while not tested - it's up to the experiment.

Of course, fishing for carp is not limited to only these flies. In the specific requirements can work and other options. In particular, in late autumn when fishing in rivers deep enough to slow flow areas where carp coast-slips after the death of vegetation, occasionally work better enough heavy goldhedov options. For example, showed himself very well fly a variation on the Killer Bug. It at a leisurely wiring near the bottom well was caught carp. Was a case of catching carp and ...

Mushka Gold Head Killer
Hook: types nimfovy № 12-16. Thread: 8/0 UNI - Thread Brown. Head: Tungsten 3-3.5 mm. Substrate lead wire. Body: gray rabbit fur, rabbit or muskrat, method dabbingovoy loop with upcoming haircut

Catchability alternative option - are popular fly Prince Nymph, weighted head copper or gold color. Based on the extent applicable to ogruzki carp in the summer at not very great depths and shallows, and his deep autumn parks.

Various simulation mosquito larvae with varying success literally work well all season. Of the good, I would fly to the marked similarity Buzzer black, brown or olive green, not related to a very large shrimpovom hook.
In the summer, with an abundance of aquatic vegetation and low water levels, carp can be found on the shoals of overgrown grass strands. Floating on the jet in the floating swim emancipated underbrush enough contrast and light fly (or dark purple Mini Leech Variant with hollow eyes, dumbbells, Prince Nymph with minimal brass head, scud acid stains) can be pleasantly surprised when the next "catch" for grass carp will bumpkin with which to no little trouble, running his protivoborstvuya thickets and over.

Flies Prince Nimph Variant and Orange Shrimp
There are also curious cases where carp comes in the form of by-catch is not intended to be a decoy. Since then again in the spring when fishing for chub and pike imitation crayfish related to the streamer hook № 6, was caught decent carp that excessive confirms - in catching this fish on the fly for many previously unknown and exciting.
PS. To sum up, I want to say, very well caught carp fly fishing. Catch it can also purposefully and quite successfully. If there is a desire, patience and persistence, luck always smiles. Try it and see for yourself.

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