вторник, 12 февраля 2013 г.

Eel river

Eel. Belarusian name: Vugar, on the Neman - vangor. Distributed in the waters of the Baltic Sea basin: Western. Dvina, Neman, Zap. Bug and their tributaries, as well as in lakes Braslav group (Drivyaty, bleak, Volos, Drisvyaty, Goddess Nedrovo, growling Strustno, Obsterno, Snudy) Naroch group (Naroch
Batorino) in some lakes Ushachsky group.
In the river, and then into Lake Belarus juvenile eel comes from the Baltic Sea, where it hits, made a long journey to the shores of Europe across the Atlantic. In Belarus, glassy lake ugorki sit down repeatedly. Artificial stocking of their progress.
Eel almost cylindrical body, serpentine, somewhat compressed in the tail. In Belarusian waters is growing well, reaching more than 1 meter long and weight more than 4 kg. In freshwater, according to ichthyologists, live mainly females, and males are much smaller, they live off the coast of the Baltic Sea and in the mouths of rivers flowing into it. Reached sexual maturity (males 7.5, females 7 to 9 years old), eel opposite way back to the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the so-called Sargasovo sea. Spawned, eel dies.
 In Belarusian waters eels feed mainly at night clams, insect larvae, crustaceans, and small fish. In warmer months, they are gluttonous (April to November). In late autumn burrow into the ground and they hardly leave their shelters during the winter thaw.
 In a humid place eel few days can live out of water, good moves in the wet grass, especially in the early morning in the dew. Fry eel lives in coastal thickets of grass, individuals older live in deeper muddy and littered the ground.
 Eel very valuable food fish. To go fishing (Donkey) is rare and only at night, mostly on Donkey. Takes veretenku, frogs, minnows, Nightcrawlers.
 Vyvazhivaetsya usually without much difficulty. But once hooked, often clogged under stones, sunken trees, etc. habits of this fish is very tricky: following the shore salable, acne, or if there's a snag protruding sunken tree branch, suddenly bent, clings tail and makes a sharp turn . If a fisherman at a time will not let the forest, it can be stopped or break the hook.
 Eel slippery and very strong. Hold it in your hand can only woolen gloves or with sand.

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