воскресенье, 3 февраля 2013 г.

Bream fishing in the winter

Bream winter begins with site selection and drilling of wells. The first hole drilled at a distance, to determine a possible difference of depths. It is known that white bream in search of food prefer to choose places with small steps, slopes, rough bottom areas. In winter it is quite a settled way of life, moving on certain routes, and not very far from the parking. According to many anglers, with flocks of white bream local migrations have certain underwater landmarks, some koryazhen, stones, or specific parts of the bottom topography.

Bream on a cloudy day in winter, when fishing at a depth light coming from free of crushed ice well, almost wary fish. But the quality of play jig while improving, but sunny weather, in our opinion, from the complete cleaning well at catching the game should be abandoned. Preparing the tackle and the workplace, you can begin to make the first posting.
Bream fishing in winter, especially the middle, big bream almost stop feeding, they can afford it, because over the summer accumulated sufficient reserves of nutrients. In a white bream all the food in the summer is spent on growth, so they have to continue to eat in the winter. And adults bream, white bream and for the most part kept in the bottom layers of water and eats at the bottom, in this case, to take the food from the bottom they have, because of the characteristic shape, each time to turn upside down. Perhaps, therefore, it is the most successful white bream and bream fishing on the edge. Where it starts stall depth, the bottom rung of forms, these fish are not stoop for food (Figure 17) and the conditions of their food, apparently, the most comfortable. Bream to the middle of winter, and in some stagnant ponds before, is not starting from the bottom, and the half-waters at a depth of 1.5-2 m (Fig. 18 Lack of oxygen in bream) - this is due to the fact that out- of rotting seaweed at the bottom falls oxygen content in the water and the fish have to raise in the region of fresh water.

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