Sounder "Practitioner ER-6Pro» is the latest development of Russian engineers. Compact and reliable, accurate measurement of the depth of ± 1 cm, frost-proof, flexible cable, "incarcerated" under the ice fishing, a set of practical features, ease of management, all this makes a direct competitor of domestic development of foreign analogues.
вторник, 25 декабря 2012 г.
Specifications sonar "Practitioner ER-6Pro»
Sounder "Practitioner ER-6Pro» is the latest development of Russian engineers. Compact and reliable, accurate measurement of the depth of ± 1 cm, frost-proof, flexible cable, "incarcerated" under the ice fishing, a set of practical features, ease of management, all this makes a direct competitor of domestic development of foreign analogues.
четверг, 20 декабря 2012 г.
fly fishing
Perhaps the most remarkable feature of fly fishing (on the fly, to fly) is a variety of natural landscapes, which are often fishermen - a secluded creek in the mountains, quiet, winding river deep in the forest, or a tranquil blue lake somewhere wide open sky in rural areas. For some it is an opportunity to test themselves in nature, playing with the fish, like a cat with a mouse. That's why, in addition to other reasons, thousands of people
среда, 12 декабря 2012 г.
четверг, 6 декабря 2012 г.
Moscow grayling
Not a typo is it? How is such a noble fish side can refer to the Moscow region. On the one hand, yes, on the other hand - no ... Of course, in Moscow itself, or in the near suburbs, and it can not be. The explanation for this is simple: there is no suitable habitat suitable reservoirs for this "flagship". Quite another thing - fast rivers Tver region. But then what does the phrase "Moscow umber" to Tver region?
суббота, 1 декабря 2012 г.
среда, 21 ноября 2012 г.
Fish-finding echo sounder FISHERMAN 160
When a person goes on a fishing trip, he has two goals: to catch fish and have fun. But quite often you can lose both of these items, especially if it is wrong to choose a place. That is why experienced anglers pre pick the place. What do you do if there is a desire to go fishing, and the time to choose the place and no dressing? In this situation, you can help a neighbor or council, or sonar.
воскресенье, 11 ноября 2012 г.
Spring at Lake Seliger. Last ice
Beginning of the period of the last ice determined empirically: bad bite - even gluhozime, well - it has hit. A look at the calendar here is useless. For this reason, before you go phoned friends based in Zaplave standing on the shore Kravotynskogo reach. Answer a bit puzzled: all the fish are biting, heat, plus seven degrees, snowmobiles go through ice as speed-boats on the water. Clearly, after the information had to drop everything and go. But Seliger - a special place.
вторник, 6 ноября 2012 г.
Walleye fishing in autumn
Fishing for walleye fall from the end of August, beginning of September, it is already possible to begin the night to catch on jig. Few people know that it was during the fall walleye fishing, it takes good jig, but at the same perch gradually come to the wintering grounds and shifted to greater depths, so September - this time for jig-marketing lures. As the cold weather, from the month of October, comes back Jordan perch, which is the longest of the year and lasts for the whole of October to mid-November, but usually when fishing for
четверг, 1 ноября 2012 г.
Dear fans of fishing!
вторник, 30 октября 2012 г.
Fishing will be free
In Russia, at last, there will be rules for the fishermen, but more on this at a press conference in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" said the head of Andrew Rosrybalovstva deadline. The fact that the bill was a "recreational fishing" was submitted to the government.
I recall more than a year on this bill scandal Russian scale fishermen with rallies and heated discussions in the media. Then asked to enter the card fisherman, for which you had to pay. The draft was sent back for revision and then, finally, it is submitted to the government and this fall is likely to be passed by the Parliament.
суббота, 27 октября 2012 г.
Navigator GPS for fishing
I guess now I do not find people who have never met in my life the word "Navigator" or "GRS". Once developed by the U.S. military for their own use in Global Positioning System GRS (Global Positioning System) is widely invaded the civil sphere. Today, in addition to chips GRS navigators - devices designed specifically for them - is inserted into mobile phones, smart phones, computers, security systems.
суббота, 20 октября 2012 г.
Stuffed rudd
Until recently, when I was preparing gefilte fish, then choose the larger specimens and do not even realize that you can stuff the fish and coins. But I happened to talk to an old friend who told me that they had stuffed in Sakhalin any fish, but in special honor just fine. Indeed, why not? And I tried. The result was that the trouble with small fish no bigger than a large, fish get really soft, with a pleasant sweet taste, you can file a la carte, which is also important, besides simultaneously solved the problem of small bones. I liked it. I really hope that you enjoy and.
For this recipe you will need:
two middle rudd,
medium onion,
about 50 grams of white bread,
some milk
tablespoon bread crumbs (if necessary to thicken meat)
tablespoon of vegetable oil,
How to catch carp beginners. Spring - autumn
Carp is the most popular fish among the fishermen living in our reservoirs. On his fishing written a lot, but to say that is put on a page full of information, it is impossible. In recent years intensively discussed the topic of catching carp in the winter period. Fishermen share their observations of the places capture of the winter goldfish - this is mainly small ponds, and reservoirs with a natural (keys, sources) and artificial (TPP, GRES) heating water. Like the information insignificant, but for such particles personal experience is more accurate picture of any fish, its habits and methods of catching. Proceeding from this, for many years, hunting for crucian, I thought my experience might be useful for the admirers of this interesting fish.
четверг, 11 октября 2012 г.
Spawning carp
Carp significantly more dependent on the temperature, as compared to the described above crucian and other freshwater fishes. After spending the winter in the pits, carp are selected in the upper horizons depth only when the water is completely thaws, and the выгуливается reluctantly, and if the bite, then reluctantly. Respectively, and carp spawning occurs later. For the beginning of the spawning season it is necessary that the water temperature has reached 25 C. In more cold water
понедельник, 1 октября 2012 г.
суббота, 29 сентября 2012 г.
Salmon (salmon)
For real fishing means fishing of salmon: salmon, sea trout, trout, grayling, etc.
With a sports point of view of the noble salmon fishing (salmon) called the most colorful and interesting. And for that, believe me, there are reasons. Today, salmon is under mortal threat because of its direct commercial fishing nets in the sea and in estuaries. Catches in the rivers has declined significantly. Many fishermen catching salmon released it back into the water to keep the population of this valuable fish.
Fishing for salmon on a fly
понедельник, 10 сентября 2012 г.
Recreation and fishing on lake Seliger - combine business with pleasure!
Are you an avid fisherman? You want to spend your holidays memorable and usefully? If so, then rest on Seliger - the best option for you! Seliger lake is rich in fish, so no catch you just will not stay.
Even in the 17-18 age Seliger became the center of commercial fishing in Russia. Dried, frozen, salted and fresh fish from the lake was exported to Moscow and offered at fairs Ostashkov.
пятница, 24 августа 2012 г.
Right now where the cancer is the catch?
That we are all about the fish, but the fish? There are then other amenities that give us fishing! I think that with friends, summer night, when there is no daylight sweltering heat no one will refuse to drink beer with cancers and talk about previously captured booty. The beer is clear, will have to buy, it is unlikely anyone will be able to cook, but to buy crabs do not have to, and besides, they are quite expensive to sell, especially in the already ready to use. Let's deal, which still lives cancer, as well as what to eat, how to trap, or just to catch with his hands.
вторник, 21 августа 2012 г.
History of the fishing
This funny story about fishing. Told me her friend. Once a reservation, that he knows how to fish, and knows about fishing almost everything and loves STE case in all its manifestations. And this case is only a fragment, and, for he was not characteristic.
Belarusian fishermen caught 1.5 meter soma
On the Dnepr-bug canal near the village of Zarechka (Brest region) the fishermen caught soma length 1,67 m and a weight of 34 kg. News and photos of the giant fish in the editorial office sent Vitaly.
Happy fishermen are the inhabitants of Drogichin Julian Zuschik and Vladimir Siliverstov.
We had a conversation with Julian, who told us the details of the catch.
среда, 15 августа 2012 г.
Список платных прудов Подмосковья
Платные пруды Подмосковья:
1. "Саби". Рыболовный парк.
4,5 км от МКАД, Каширское шоссе.
Виды рыб: Окунь, Щука, Карась, Сазан и карп, Белый амур и толстолобик,
Плотва, Язь.
Цена: летняя рыбалка от 3000 руб, зимняя – от 2000 руб
воскресенье, 29 июля 2012 г.
Крепкая снасть
Многие сейчас увлечены фидерной ловлей с применением специальных удилищ, имеющих сменные гибкие вершинки. Но на Оке мне больше нравится ловить карповыми донными удилищами, а в качестве сигнализатора поклевки устанавливать на леску прикрепленный к отрезку массивного шланга колокольчик.
пятница, 27 июля 2012 г.
четверг, 26 июля 2012 г.
Свистит ли рак на горе?
Наверное, автор известной поговорки был уверен, что рак ни за что не явится на сушу и тем более не сможет свистеть. Наука подтверждает, речные раки на такой подвиг действительно не способны. Но ракообразных в природе насчитывается около сорока тысяч видов. и далеко не все они строго связаны с водной средой
среда, 25 июля 2012 г.
вторник, 24 июля 2012 г.
Без грузила и поплавка
Иногда карась, особенно в начале лета, выбирается на самые травяные отмели, где воды — чуть до колена. В этом случае лучше груз снять. Насадка, медленно опускаясь, не должна касаться дна.
понедельник, 23 июля 2012 г.
воскресенье, 22 июля 2012 г.
Удочка для камышовых окон
Совсем непросто забросить удочку в маленькое оконце,если поплавок укреплен на леске обычным способом - кембриком. Расстояние от крючка до поплавка - один метр или больше, при забросе то насадка, то поплавок часто ложатся на траву
суббота, 21 июля 2012 г.
Карасевая ферма — это участок тинистого дна, на котором он добывает себе корм: мотыля, червячков, прочую медлительную живность. Уткнется носом и роет, выставив наружу хвост.
И как на земного фермера, на него вечно охотятся щуки, выдающие себя за лидеров рыбьего народного фронта, сомы - представители агрокомплекса и судаки-рэкетиры. Не случайно на уголовном жаргоне «карась» - значит, оброс жиром, есть чем поживиться. А в быту карасем называют человека медлительного и неповоротливого. И все идет от ничего не ведающего
подводного обитателя.
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