пятница, 9 августа 2013 г.

Why not bite?

And that was acquired 6-foot "mahalka" fishing line and floats. They took me to the pond where carp was caught and ... oh, miracle! I caught a carp, a lot! Believing in yourself, decided to take part in amateur competitions, the so-called cabal.

пятница, 14 июня 2013 г.

Tactics and technique of catching chub

If you decide to seriously approach the Zherekhov fishing, you have to accept the fact that to achieve the result, you have to forget about catching predators other than asp. That is, in the process of fishing, you need to focus specifically on the asp and not be distracted by trying to catch pike, perch or walleye. In fishing for chub, it often happens that at idle "Rinse" lure away an hour and when the fishing was quite desperate, there

вторник, 11 июня 2013 г.

How to vyvazhivat pike

Large pike is a worthy opponent. It has not dyuzhey force and being undercut, pike behave violently, making sharp jerks, somersaults and "candles." Many anglers succumb to such a fierce resistance, and only experienced and patient and able to wait to remove the pike out of the water. The main thing in vyvazhivanii pike - is the ability to extinguish it jerks, and the ability to capture the moment when you need to fish for pike.

суббота, 8 июня 2013 г.

Pike in May

In the cloud peaceful spring days to fish in a small river, which is already cleared by meltwater. Pike can be caught on spinning is the second in a week after spawning. This mainly occurs in the first half of May. From dawn to dusk great fish caught, because she is hungry. But the most productive time - day. At night, the bite dies down, however, be aware that in any particular place fish has its "cool" schedule.
After spawning, the fish are very hungry and ready to devour a pack of fishes, swimming past lurking in the Gulf or in the inflow toothed barrier. During this period, the artificial bait pike bite is worse than live bait. For the extraction of bait fish need bloodworm or small grubs. Place on small live bait fishing is, where there is no flow. You can catch an ordinary float rod. Need to take a little detour (№ 20-22), and 0.15-0.18 mm fishing line. Save the spring of bait fish is not difficult, but still often do not forget to change the water in the tank with your live bait on them and not have to leave the baits in the sun to avoid overheating. The best live bait on them to catch pike are considered dace, bleak, plotvitsa, bream, worse catch on golavlikov, small perch and Karasik. Poor live bait on them are ruffs or lines.

Even if a powerful flood or water level drops, the predator will move on and be sure to stumble vsemuvodoemu the bait. The complexity of fishing is to take out a hyperactive fish out of water, as the first spawning pike comes to 3 years, when weighing about 1 kg. So you have to prepare the appropriate gear.

четверг, 23 мая 2013 г.

To Catch a burbot

Catch a burbot just hard to find it. So at the beginning does not collect tackle tricky to catch burbot, and then the details of how and where to find it.
For catching burbot do not need a lot of gear. Burbot bite in the evening and at night. In order to catch the fish, we need the following gear: cargo, bends, hooks, fishing line, leashes, rod, bait feeder reel and a knife.

вторник, 14 мая 2013 г.


It is safe to assume that the name "line" is given this fish because of the characteristic features of its own to change the color being taken out of the water: tench caught immediately covered with large black spots.
This comes from the fact that it is all covered with a thick layer of extremely thick and clear mucus, which hardens in the air, darkens, and then falls off in pieces, leaving these places large yellow spots.

среда, 8 мая 2013 г.

Secrets of catching leschya

On a number of lakes and reservoirs, which are located in the suburbs, in May, fishing is not allowed due to spawning. On the rivers are allowed to use only one rod, which is fitted with a hook. However, almost all the rivers in this period there is a fairly strong current. If the water falls, the fishing conditions change. During this period, you can catch bream almost to the shore.

среда, 1 мая 2013 г.

Catching carp on the feeder in spring

I have to warn that we in the Samara region of carp can be caught only on paid ponds. But hey reprimand me: "What? On Platnik? Yeah me to ... But never ... Yes, life is not going to catch fish in the aquarium! "Pond formed by the merger of three or four ravines, and all this economy dammed.

пятница, 26 апреля 2013 г.

As the boat to catch bream on the ring

Fishing for bream ring was described another fifty years ago. Although many years have passed, this method remains the same demand. The result will be effective on any body of water where there is a current. Resorted to this method, not only for beginners, but experienced fishermen.

четверг, 18 апреля 2013 г.

As the salt river fish

Homemade salted fish - what ever practiced every angler. Caught fish is not only to maintain but also to prepare tasty. Frying fish - this is certainly the best means of "disposal" of the catch. And if you brought home half a sack of fish and you do not have a large, friendly and hungry family? What to do in this case?

воскресенье, 14 апреля 2013 г.

Features zander spring

As the warm spring water significantly increases the activity of the fish at this time beginning to be caught perch. Large specimens, grown thin in the cold season, intensively investigated the pond in search of shoals of bait fish, which greedily swallow.

четверг, 11 апреля 2013 г.

Fishing in April

Fishing in April aprele.V life in ponds, to the joy of fishing, it is active. The fish comes to the surface of water to breathe oxygen, the amount of which was limited in the pond all winter because of the thickness of the ice. In most species of fish during the spawning season begins, and they are looking for places to lay their eggs and rearing fry.

понедельник, 8 апреля 2013 г.

Boat for fishing - the variety of inflatable boats.

For the long-awaited summer, so - not far off hot, sunny days when you are in a stuffy city is simply impossible, and by providing a tight schedule a free day, all eager to get out somewhere in nature. Especially when it comes to certain bodies of water where you can not only swim, but also to enjoy this pastime, like fishing.

пятница, 5 апреля 2013 г.

All the dangers of skin diving

Recently, skin diving is attracting more and more outdoor enthusiasts. Today, many of the newcomers believe that good equipment and learning some basic rules of behavior in water is sufficient for complete safety obsession hobby. But this is not so, because spearfishing - is not only fun, but also a huge exercise in new, unfamiliar to the body conditions. Sometimes not only beginners, but many experienced "Sagittarius-Aquarius" do not know what the health risks might cause this extreme sport. That's why in this article I want to talk about the disease that is to be feared submarine hunters to avoid possible health problems.

среда, 3 апреля 2013 г.

Underwater fishing. Test yourself under water

Lovers of quiet and relaxing holiday on the river, or a nice time with friends on the nature of the article does not bring anything interesting. Here we tell you about this interesting video of fishing, as underwater fishing.
Let's face it - fishing, it's not a woman. No, do not want to offend anyone, especially the feminine, anything can happen, but we have in mind the majority. A spear fishing in this case at the competition. This is, indeed, an extreme sport that requires not just a man of courage, skill, agility, and courage - this thing you just love.

понедельник, 1 апреля 2013 г.

Carp spring

For successful carp fishing in the spring, read these 10 facts.
The main season amateur carp spring begins 7-10 days after spawning. The most successful carp fishing is during the warmer months when the water temperature 18-26 ° C. As the cold weather and the temperature of water bite weakens and in September and October completely stopped;

среда, 27 марта 2013 г.

Spring catch roach

In the spring catching roach many important points that clearly must think fishing, going to the river. Must take into account sensitivities feeding at this time, understand that there are patterns in the use of attachments, depending on the weather, time, and water conditions. And, of course, all the elements snap rods must be balanced by the terms of fishing.

пятница, 22 марта 2013 г.

Fishing in March.

The first month of spring, a welcome change mart.Na killing frost comes the long awaited teplo.Nachinaetsya rapid melting snega.Nesmotrya the sharp warming ice on ponds in some areas remains as strong to be able to support the weight of cheloveka.V this time the fish begins to slowly wake up from the winter frost and begins to actively move around the pond in search pischi.Poetomu in March for all anglers fishing does not go into an empty and there is always a good catch.

пятница, 15 марта 2013 г.

Snowmobiling Fishing

Russia - a country many anglers because of the huge quantity of various reservoirs of natural and artificial origin. All year round the crowd restless fans of fresh air and outdoor activities of both sexes at the weekend rush to the vastness of the Russian landscape. And the winter is quite appropriate for this time. Look at the snow-covered rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Here and there one could see the silhouettes of large and small fishermen. What drives them to twenty below out of the house? Of course, not greed or hunger, a great attraction to nature, fresh air, and of course, to the adrenaline raging in the blood, when you feel the trembling at the opposite end of the line is something frisky.

понедельник, 11 марта 2013 г.

вторник, 5 марта 2013 г.

Carp fishing in autumn

Specificity of catching carp determined autumn feed, or that the fish pond and Number. So often you can select the pond where carp are biting, at least, the three months of autumn. Given that water every day it becomes cooler to know that carp are now concentrated in specific areas. It is possible you popadeete the pond with aggressive fish, but if you do not know the place where the fish lives in a particular time of the year, the successful fishing fail.

пятница, 1 марта 2013 г.

Spring catch pike

I think every good angler will agree with me that the first spring outing fishing resembles the first kiss - the same thrill, the thrill and the same fears scare off potential prey. So let's try to figure out where best to hunt this cunning and cautious "beast" - predator called a pike.

понедельник, 25 февраля 2013 г.

Karakata 4x4

Karakata that was assembled to order for fishing trips on the Istra reservoir. The customer, a couple of times to see how "pits" go through the ice, I decided to play it safe and buy, even homemade, but not least, quality ATV tires at low pressure. That, even if the common mode of transportation among fishermen and fails, it

четверг, 14 февраля 2013 г.

Homemade ATV

Here's a self-made all-terrain vehicle will easily get the whole team fans of winter fishing to cherished places for long distances across the ice in large lakes and reservoirs.
    Engine and gearbox variable transmissions and axles for the all-terrain vehicle taken from the "Lada"

среда, 13 февраля 2013 г.

Eel - a fish ghost floodplain lakes

So you can call ordinary Loach for his ability to disappear in water, which, under the scorching rays of the summer sun turn into ordinary puddles. The top layer of silt, which is covered with a crust thickness of a few centimeters, then cracked, split into pieces, but just go through the rain and fill the lake, as the fish come

вторник, 12 февраля 2013 г.

Eel river

Eel. Belarusian name: Vugar, on the Neman - vangor. Distributed in the waters of the Baltic Sea basin: Western. Dvina, Neman, Zap. Bug and their tributaries, as well as in lakes Braslav group (Drivyaty, bleak, Volos, Drisvyaty, Goddess Nedrovo, growling Strustno, Obsterno, Snudy) Naroch group (Naroch

вторник, 5 февраля 2013 г.

Catching carp on the fly - a system or an accident?

Among the main mass of anglers are of the opinion that to catch carp fly fishing, if not impossible, then at least at least extremely difficult, and all the famous cases he is caught on the fly are the exception rather than the rule. I myself for a long time was in such a wrong interpretation of the issue. But as the practice: crucian very well caught fly fishing - if you have the desire, patience and perseverance.

воскресенье, 3 февраля 2013 г.

Bream fishing in the winter

Bream winter begins with site selection and drilling of wells. The first hole drilled at a distance, to determine a possible difference of depths. It is known that white bream in search of food prefer to choose places with small steps, slopes, rough bottom areas. In winter it is quite a settled way of life, moving on certain routes, and not very far from the parking. According to many anglers, with flocks of white bream local migrations have certain underwater landmarks, some koryazhen, stones, or specific parts of the bottom topography.

пятница, 1 февраля 2013 г.

Bream on a ring

Bream on a ring or some other bream on the puck - method widely used and very popular, especially in the Volga River and its tributary rivers in it. Bream on a ring, in addition, in contrast to other methods is very dobychlivy way.
If you catch on with a trough feeder, you can go fishing for anything and does not catch on the ring you will always be a catch. In any case, even if you do not catch a good bream at least half a dozen white bream you will be provided accurately.

вторник, 22 января 2013 г.

For bream in the heat

In June bream divided into white bream and bream, which begin to separate food. Small bream, white bream or after spawning eats everything he can lay his nose and big bream selects the most calorie korm.Chtoby purposefully hunting for bream, we must try to understand that now is the basis of his livelihood.
In the waters of different types, with different forage, diet bream are very different. For example, in small,

воскресенье, 20 января 2013 г.

Tons float

For three seasons float apply the hair snap nazhivlyaya not boilies and habitual poplavochnika grain barley, wheat, corn, and peas. Not to say that my float completely "zavoposel" during normal biting cling bait traditionally - piercing the hook, but with weak bite, with a large number of empty, turn on the hair - the fish takes a much bolder and much smaller gatherings. The principle of "carp" hair in a float, there is the heavy loads that are themselves hooking fish. To float snap one of two things: either to react instantly hooking, all

суббота, 12 января 2013 г.

Snowmobiles for winter fishing

For a long time did not write anything about snowmobiles used for ice fishing trips. Not written for two reasons:
 First, because he was, as they say, "not on" - do not ever use the snowmobile itself, so not very much and

четверг, 10 января 2013 г.

Autumn fishing

Early fall, fishing the most comfortable weather, except for one: many reservoirs, including the Yauzskaya where I usually fish, still holding the thermocline, which dictates the conditions lovers catch a predator. Most spinningists, putting your favorite gear, catches for trolling or mugs. Jig fishing is left up to the moment when the water is cool, and autumn winds jumbled layers - and the thermocline will be over. However, in the morning and evening twilight in some places you can find optimists hard rinse jig baits.

воскресенье, 6 января 2013 г.

Bream on the Upper Volga

You can live a life close to the Volga, but did not understand, do not feel that our main river. On the other hand, sometimes only a day spend on the beach - from dawn to dawn - and the river will be mother tongue. The share is leschatnikov fall, I suspect, more than others.

вторник, 1 января 2013 г.

Prerequisites skill angler

Often among the fishermen hear important to know where to fish. However, finding a parking place and period of apprenticeship fish - not all. We must be able to fish, know catching technique, and what tackle is better to use. This article is more suitable for beginners, but it is for those who are just starting their way fishing could navigate the multifaceted world of fishing.